keysha & Raquel 2

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"What the fuck is this?"

Donnie ran into the room. He kneeled down turning Keysha around holding her in his arms trying to wake her up.

"Keysha! Keysha wake up, what the hell happened to you?"

He knew he didn't even have to ask, Looking at Keysha's bruises and ripped clothes he can already predict what happened. Keysha moved her head back and forth without opening her eyes, moaning a bit.

"Keysha, please wake up!"

Donnie pulled his phone out calling Nine-one-one. He described to the police what he saw and were he was. As instructed he stayed on the phone until the police arrived. Keysha still hadn't woken completely up. Donnie face showed how scared he was when the Ambulance and police arrived on scene.

"You're gonna be okay!"

Donnie still with her in his arms, he spoke without tears but great pain. He saw a single tear come from her closed eyes. Donnie laid her down making his way outside, letting them know were Keysha was and giving a report to the cop of what he saw and her condition when he arrived. The Paramedics was able to get Keysha to speak, afterwards placing her on the Gurney and putting her inside the EMS truck. Donnie watched them drive away, as did the cops once they were done questioning Donnie.


Donnie got in his car, driving around the hood. He couldn't get the way he found Keysha out of his head. The fact that he had to call everybody and let them know what was done to her. Wishing he would have gotten there earlier or just got there before he went to work. Donnie rode to all of Doug's spots, finally finding him on Albany and Robinwood. Donnie saw him on the porch, Shada was on his lap. They were laughing and playing around like it was nobody's business. That fueled Donnie even more. Donnie got out the car, walking toward Doug.

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