keysha & Raquel 2

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"I better not find out that you're lying, or I swear I'm coming back for you"

Donnie looked over at Shada.

"You love her huh? Good luck with this one"

Donnie released Doug making his way back to the car, driving off. Doug knew that Gee baby was the one who Raped Keysha and he knew since it was his house and his friend that the cops would be coming for him. Especially if Gee baby is caught and tells the cops he basically gave him the greenlight fuck her. He knew he had to get out of dodge and fast. Doug looked over at Shada who was visibly upset.


Doug walked up to Shada.

"What the fuck did you and Gee baby do to Keysha?"

“Baby, please listen”

"Nah, don't baby me nigga, I don't know what sick shit, you and your friends are up to but, I don't want shit to do with it. And I don't want shit to do with you! Not anymore."

“You clearly still love her, which means you were lying to me. I'm done with this bullshit and unlike Keysha I'm not coming back a third and fourth time. so get off my doorstep and never come back.”

For that moment Shada started to feel bad for Keysha hearing what had happened to her. Shada closed the door on Doug, turning away.

keysha & Raquel -A Detroit bad girl story 2Where stories live. Discover now