keysha & Raquel 2

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Chapter Two

Raquel Jordan


Raquel lay in her new bed, thinking about Keysha and what she went through. She remembered the moment that the same had almost happened to her. she remembered the events afterward that ultimately lead up to, Quans death. She laid still rubbing her belly, due any day now.

"I promise I'm going to love and protect you baby"

Raquel spoke to little boy inside of her.

“You are my little Quan.”

Raquel smiled thinking about holding him and kissing his little cheeks. She couldn't wait to be a mother. Raquel broke her train of thought hearing her phone go off, it was her friend and supervisor Shante. Raquel quickly rose up, looking over at her uniform. She picked up the phone Assuring Shante that she was on her way. Raquel got her uniform on, making her way to the bus stop.

“I can't wait to get some damn wheels. I'm tired of walking.”

Raquel made the bus right on time, making her way to work.

"Hey girl!" Shante said to Raquel.


Raquel made her way behind the counter.

"What's wrong with you?"


Raquel shook her head.

"Well what's on your mind girl, we don't have nothing but time up in this bitch"

“Some crazy shit happened this weekend.”

“Oh girl, what? You know I love drama."

“Something with My best friend, she coming to stay with me. I'm not about to have her business all out there but I know for a fact, I have to get my crib together real soon. This catching the bus shit is killing me, but I know it's gonna take a minute before I can get a car.”

"Not if you do what I told you"

Shante remind Raquel of their little visit to the dance party they went to.

"Yeah I know, but look at me I'm seven months pregnant ain't nobody gonna want me"

“What I tell you, it's niggas all up in through these streets with pregnant girl fetishes and bitch you barely look pregnant, so you good. You can dance that baby right on up out of you.”

Raquel laughed at Shante's carefree attitude.

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