keysha & Raquel 2

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Keysha looked up at her mom appalled.

"Excuse me?"

“Yeah, You running out the house, trying to be grown, want to run behind that nigga, now look at you!”

Keysha face turned to anger as she listen to her mom rant about her behavior.

"If you wasn't out here acting fast and doing shit you shouldn't have been doing, this wouldn't have happened. This is were acting like a hoe gets you!”

“Get out!"

Anika stopped her rant looking over at Keysha.

“What you just say?”

"You heard me, get the fuck out, you stupid bitch!" Keysha yell full of rage.

Cordel walked over to Anika holding her back from Walking over to Keysha as she was ready to knock her head off.

"I promise you better not come to my house, thinking I'm going to let you back in after that!"

Raquel and Donnie walk in confused.

"You got exactly what you deserved."

"Fuck you! I hate you!"

Keysha was trying to get off the bed but Donnie and the doctor kept her from doing so. Cordel carried Anika out of the room into the hallway.

“What the fuck was that Anika, why would you say that?”

"I don't know, I didn't mean it!"

Anika quickly changed her demeanor.

“I just can't believe this happened. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Why would I say that.!”

Anika curled into Cordel arms crying tears.

"Look just go home and come see her later"

 “I don't think she going to want to see me after this.”

"Then just wait for her to come to you! If not then, you go to her and you apologize.”


Anika agreed as they both walked away from the hospital.

keysha & Raquel -A Detroit bad girl story 2Where stories live. Discover now