keysha & Raquel 2

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“I don't know, I really don't know. Keysha blew out her breath. It's so much going on in my mind.”

"Like what? You can talk freely here with no judgement."

Keysha looked up at the Therapist.

“I'm tired of talking about it. I'm tired of crying.”

“Keysha, the more you express yourself, the more you heal. Just take your time. You don't have to talk to me today or next week. Whenever you're ready.”

"Thank you" Keysha was relieved.

“Well I have an assignment for you”

Karen pulled out some paper.

“Write how you feel, on paper. Then next week if you decide to come, we can talk about whatever you wrote. sounds good?”

"Yeah, I can do that."

She grabbed the paper, shaking the therapist hand. She couldn't wait to get out of there. She had mixed feelings about being there because apart of her thought she was wasting her time and the other part of her felt comfortable. Talking to somebody that knows nothing about her, being able to talk freely without feeling judged or pitied. "Maybe I will come back and see this lady" Keysha said to herself.

later that day

Keysha finally made it back to Raquel home. She used the key she had to open the door walking in seeing Shante on the couch with Raquel.

"Hey sis, how was it?"

Raquel said being brief about things in front of Shante.

“Everything was okay, I'll talk to you about it later, I'm pretty tired right now.”

Shante looked over at Keysha almost annoyed.

"That Donnie boy, um are yall dating?" Shante asked Keysha.

“No were not, but he does have a girlfriend.”

"Oh well that has nothing to do with me." Shante smirked.

“I'll see you later Raquel.”

Keysha ignored Shante's antagonism making her way to Raquel bedroom laying down.

keysha & Raquel -A Detroit bad girl story 2Where stories live. Discover now