keysha & Raquel 2

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"What you doing here?"

Doug instructing Shada off of him meeting Donnie halfway. Donnie didn't hesitate to punch Doug in his face, tackling him to the ground.

"What the fuck!" Doug yell out.

Donnie grabbed Doug by the collars lifting him up.

"What did you do to Keysha?"

"What you talking about, I didn't do nothing to her!"

Doug was scared out of his wits but he wasn't going to let it show. Especially not in front of Shada.

“Yes the fuck you did, don't fucking lie to me!”

Donnie was about to hit Doug again when he flinched putting his hands up.

“I swear I don't know what you talking about.”

"I found Keysha at your house, bruised up and bloody. She didn't have on any clothes and she was unconscious."

“Somebody Raped her and I think it was you.”

"What? no! I didn't rape nobody, She said she was leaving, I was pissed off and I left to get some air. I love Keysha I would never do no shit like that!”

“Alright then who the fuck did it?”

Doug remembered the conversation he had with Gee baby.

“I don't know man, when I left she was good. I was trying to get her stay but she refused, so I got mad and I left.”

Shada was shocked to hear Doug's confession about Loving Keysha and begging her to stay. She frown upon him as he spoke.

keysha & Raquel -A Detroit bad girl story 2Where stories live. Discover now