The Change of One (Prologue)

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AN:Hey guys. I am just trying to make a knew fanfiction. I will continue forgotten shinobi. In this story I am making Shizune the same age as Naruto so that I can do NarutoxShizune fanfic.

(Hokage Office)

Naruto only stood there as both Yamato and Sakura gave a report of a failed mission while blaming it on Naruto. She dismissed both Yamato and Sakura while Naruto stayed. "Naruto, how could you be so careless. I am done with your attitude. Is the what Jiraiya thought you." Tsunade said angrily. Naruto had enough. "You know maybe if I had a good teacher I could learn. Jiraiya did not teach me much. All he did for 3 years was improve the rasengan, some taijutsu katas, and trying to control the kyuubi's chakra." Tsunade was shocked. She did not know that Naruto had almost no training. "You know what, your right. As of know, I am leaving team 7 and team Kakashi. I will train alone. I am done being my friend's punching bag. They only come to me when they need a favor. Have a good day, Hokage-sama." Naruto said. Tsunade was hurt by Naruto as he had always called her baa-chan. It was to late to change anything, Naruto had left and would not be the same. She, however, had to talk to someone.

(Hokage Tower Entrance)

"Naruto wait." Yelled Shizune, Tsunade's apprentice. "Shizune-nee-chan, stop. I need to leave and train. I refuse to be weak. If no one is willing to help me, I will just do it myself. I am tired of being underestimated." He said as he turned around. Shizune was glad he still looked at her as a sister but was sad as he left. "Oh and Kurenai, you can put that low level genjutsu down." Soon Kurenai put down her genjutsu. "I'm sorry Naruto, but I just wanted to go unnoticed." Kurenai said. Naruto stared at her before saying, "If you did not want me to even be able to detect you, you should have just used a higher level genjutsu, but, thank you. You have just confirmed my suspicion," Naruto said and finally left. Kurenai felt truly ashamed for underestimating Naruto after just hearing him talking about always being underestimated. Shizune looked shocked at first but then mad. She did not like how people looked down at her Naruto-kun. She blushed as she realized what she had secretly called him. Ever since he had appeared to bring them back to Konoha, she had developed a crush for him. She looked at Kurenai and then left. She still had work to do. 

(Apartment- Naruto)

Naruto looked around his room as he sat in his couch. He saw some old academy books,  a library card, and a notepad. He grabbed the books, a notebook, and a pencil. Soon he started working for a training plan. He would cover every area. He glanced at the library card. He put it on the table next to his keys and went to sleep. He would plan to use that card tomorrow. 

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