Confrontation (Chapter 5)

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(Naruto's Apartment)

Naruto awoke from his slumber. He looked at his clock and saw it was already 1 in the afternoon. He was about to go to sleep again until he felt his stomach roar. He groaned but stood up. He thought for a second before dressing in a black shirt, orange pants, and his regular sandals. He grabbed his wallet and headed toward Ichiraku Ramen Stand. He had not gone there in a while. He had decided that it was better to get healthier food for his training. It had actually helped as he noticed that he had started to grow. He didn't muse for to long as he soon saw the stand not far away. He smiled as he remembered all the good memories he had within the stand. To many it was just a place to eat but for Naruto it was a home, a sanctuary. He sat down waiting for the server to come. Not a second later he heard a voice. "Hello how can I help you....Naruto? I haven't seen you in a while." Ayame said. "Hi Ayame-nee-chen, Sorry but I have been busy with training. But, that doesn't matter. What matters is that I am here now and I want 5 chicken ramen please." Naruto said with a smile. Ayame nodded and left to prepare the order. "Naruto my boy you haven't been here in awhile." Teuchi said. "Yeah sorry. Kinda busy but I'm here now." Naruto said. He nodded and left as Ayame came with the bowls. "Thanks" Naruto said as he ate. As he reached his fifth bowl he stopped as he sensed 10 chakra signatures. He slowly placed his bowl down and ate slower. He heard a low  whispers saying is it him. "What do you guys want?" Naruto said with a hint of annoyance. "Um, can we talk," He heard Sakura say. Naruto sighed but none the less nodded. "Hey dobe, why have you been ignoring us?" Kiba asked in an arrogant tone. "Sorry, but I'm training" Naruto said calmly. "And how is that going to help you, you baka." Ino shouted. Naruto only kept his impassive visage and turned toward them. He placed the money with change next to the bill deciding that this was not the best place to start an argument. "Unlike you Ino, I don't waste my time waiting for someone to protect me." Naruto replied back and left with an elemental shunshin. Most of the onlookers were surprised while Ino shrieked. They, however, had much to talk about.

(Hokage office)

"Lady Tsunade, Jiraiya has arrived." Shizune said as she left to take her break and visit a certain blonde. Jiraiya soon entered the office and somewhat nervous. He knew that Tsunade had asked to see him urgently.....3 months ago. "Jiraiya" She said her voice leaking with anger. He kept a calm posture as he answered. "Yes Tsunade-hime." He said. "Jiraiya, in your training reports for Naruto's 3 year trip you listed many skills that Naruto learned under your teachings right?" She asked calmly. "Yes, I thought him his affinities, control over chakra, and some taijutsu" Jiraiya lied. He knew something was wrong but he had to keep up his lie. "Jiraiya.... I know you are god damn lying. Naruto has confessed that he did not learn most of what you listed. Really, control over the kyuubi chakra and improving the rasengan? That's all? Jiraiya, as of now, Naruto will not be thought by you anymore." Tsunade said. "What!!!" Jiraiya screamed. He had lost his first student but he did not plan to lose another. " Tsunade reconsider. I'm the only one who can teach him the most efficiently." He explained. "You had 3 years to do that. Yet you failed. No, Naruto does not need you anymore. Leave." Tsunade said as she returned to her paperwork. Jiraiya walked out sadly, but soon gained a face of determination. He would do anything to get his student and godson back.

(Training Ground)

Naruto had finally arrived to his training ground. He sat down in a meditating position. Although he was brash, he needed to meditate to keep calm and patient. Soon he heard bushes moving and again sensed 10 chakra signatures. He stood up waiting for them to appear. He did not wait long as soon the appeared. "What do you guys want?" Naruto said first. He really just wanted to go home and rest some more. "Naruto-san, we just wanted to know why you have stopped attending to the team meetings of the Konoha 12." Shino said. "Why do I need to attend. When I talk or give my opinion, I am silenced ant told to not disturb. I do not see the point of going somewhere where I am not viewed as an equal. " He replied back. All the people were wide eyed at his response. Now that they thought about it, they could only feel ashamed. "Then why don't you do what you do the most. Defy the odds against you." Neji said calmly. "Says the one who only believed in fate itself. However, I am tired of hiding myself. What I am about to say can be confirmed by the hokage. I am Naruto Uzumaki, the 9-tails fox jinchuriki." He said without hesitation as he showed them his seal. They all had expressions of shock and Neji had one of horror. Naruto did not wait and again shunshined to his house.    

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