First Seal Complete (Chapter 17)

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AN: Hey guys, Yamcha again. I had taken two day off because of school. I had been reading through the comments and I have to agree Camcam27000. I did not really show Naruto have any attraction toward Sayuri. So, I will stick to the original pairing. This will be my final decision and again thanks for reading my story and thanks Camcam27000 for the comment. Yamcha Out.

(Naruto- next day)

Naruto had gotten little sleep. He had hanged out with Sayuri the night before before she dropped the biggest information, the contract. Naruto had been thinking about everything he had discovered. He did not really love Sayuri. The most he saw her as was a friend, no more no less. He had been thinking more in depth and knew that he like Shizune, but did not have the guts to tell her. He laid down on his bed as his head hung from the side of the bed. As his head hung, he saw the open notebook with a seal on it. However, what he found interesting was that the seal seem to look better upside down. His eyes widen as he realized a huge fact, he had been making the seal upside down. He quickly stood up and approached the notebook as he started remaking the seal and adjusting it. Before he even knew it, he had a new design on the seal. He smiled as he realized that he had finished the Hiraishin seal. He quickly started applying it onto a three pronged kunai he had designed for this occasion as he grabbed an old orange jacket and ran toward his hidden training field. He just could not wait.

(Rookie 11)

The Rookie 11 were all sitting in a cafe as they discussed about their next mission together. "So,are we agreeing this Friday?" Kiba asked as they all nodded. Neji was about to leave when he noticed an orange jacket fly by as a blonde guy ran past the cafe. They all noticed Naruto and decided to follow him to see if he would go with them. They had all gotten out of the Cafe but had lost the blonde. They decided to search for him as they followed one of the roads.

(2 Hours Later)

The Rookies had looked everywhere but had yet to find him. The two Hyuugas on the team had tried using their Byakugan but had noticed that it had failed to detect Naruto. "Hey kids, have you seen Naruto?" Jiraiya asked as he approached the group. "No, we were just looking for him. Can't you just summon yourself to him." Shikamaru said as all of their eyes widen. "Summoning Jutsu." Jiraiya said as Gamakichi appeared. "Hey, Gamakichi, you think you could take us to Naruto?" Jiraiya asked as the toad nodded. "Sure, just hold still." Gamakichi said as they all suddenly disappeared in a smoke cloud. The group soon found themselves in a forest. "Ah dammit!" They heard someone shout as they followed the noise. The soon reached an opening and saw Naruto there. They noticed that he looked like he had fallen or gotten hit many times. "One more time." Naruto said as he calmed down and closed his eyes. He slowly moved his body as he concentrated. "HIRAISHIN!" Naruto shouted as the group looked in disbelief as Naruto disappeared in a yellow flash with small traces or orange. He could be seen a good distance away as he grabbed a kunai stuck onto a tree. "Yes, I did it. Dattebayo." Naruto shouted as he pumped his fist toward the sky. The people watching were shocked as the saw Naruto perform one of the strongest jutsu to ever be made. Naruto sealed the kunai away as he quickly ran back to the village. "We need to tell Tsunade."Jiraiya said as the rest nodded. They all left in a hurry, unaware of a pair of blue eyes watching them.


Tsunade had watched as the Rookie 11 and Jiraiya had appeared in his office. She was in shock after being told that Naruto had performed the Hiraishin. "How? I'm sure that Naruto was not given any of his parents jutsu yet, so how?" Tsunade asked with surprise in her voice. "ANBU, bring me Naruto Namikaze." Tsunade said as the hidden ANBU appeared and left. It only took 10 minutes as Naruto appeared along with the ANBU. "Hokage-sama, why have I been called." Naruto said with serious eyes. "Naruto, I have received information that you have performed the Hiraishin, a move that was created by the fourth hokage. Mind telling me how?" Tsunade said as Naruto nodded. "I had started a small project to create my own seals. I had considered making or recreating the Hiraishin. When I got the fourth hokage notebook, I started making the seal along with two other unfinished seals. However, it wasn't until yesterday that I actually finished the Hiraishin seal after a major discovery." Naruto said as Tsunade nodded. "Very well. I will have to ask you to talk with your sensei for any further progress." Tsunade said as Naruto nodded and left through the door. The group followed him and soon caught up to him. "Naruto, we need to ask you if you wanted to come with us to the next mission as an entire group. It will be on Friday." Chouji said. Naruto stopped and thought about. "Sure. I'll see all of you on Friday morning." Naruto said as he was about to leave. "Naruto. Wait, we need to talk." Jiraiya said as Naruto narrowed his eyes but sighed. "Fine, I'll see you in my apartment." Naruto said as he ran home.


Shizune stood outside Naruto's apartment as she knocked. She had been busy and had not had time to talk with Naruto. "What are you doing here?" A voice said curiously behind her. She yelped and turned around as she met a pair of ocean blue eyes. "Sorry I just wanted to see how you were doing." Shizune said as Naruto chuckled. "Good. Let me open the door and we can talk more." Naruto said as he lightly bit his finger and dropped blood on the door as it unlocked. Both of them entered as Naruto went toward the kitchen. "Want some tea?" Naruto asked as Shizune nodded. Shizune sat on Naruto's couch as she waited for the tea. "Hey, how come room looks newer?" Shizune asked as Naruto peaked his head out. "The manager of the apartment entered my house and renovated my apartment. He said it was in honor of 'the fourth's legacy'. That is why I have applied the blood seal to the front of my door." Naruto said with sarcasm in his voice. Their conversation was interrupted as a knock was heard. "I'll get it" Shizune said as she stood up. Shizune opened the door and saw Jiraiya along with Kakashi. "Oh, hey. Come in. Naruto, it is Jiraiya and Kakashi." Shizune said as Naruto came out holding a tray with the tea and some cups along with some cookies. "Jiraiya, Kakashi." Naruto said as he placed the tea on his table. "Well, Naruto, let's talk." Jiraiya said as Naruto nodded.

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