Talks and New Mission (Chapter 18)

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"Naruto, I came because we need to talk about your training." Jiraiya said. Naruto looked confused along with Shizune. "Why? I think that I'm doing pretty good so far." Naruto said as he sat in a meditating position while sipping some tea. "What you need to decide on a sensei. You are still only a chunin. You still need a sensei. That is why Kakashi is here." Jiraiya said, uneasy with how calm Naruto had become. "You see Naruto, I believe you should return with team 7. You are already familiar with the team dynamics after all." Kakashi said while reading his perverted book. "Kakashi, put the book away or suffer the consequences." Naruto said as Kakashi seemingly ignored him. Naruto sighed and in one quick movement, he had thrown a wind infused kunai, slicing through the book. Kakashi's eye widen as he looked at his now destroyed book. "I warned you. Now, onto more serious matter, I think that I should try for jounin. Then I would not need a sensei." Naruto said as Shizune and Jiraiya looked shocked. "Naruto, you have much to learn. Why don't you let one of us finish teaching you." Jiraiya said as Naruto sighed. "Jiraiya, I have advanced more in a couple of months under my own guidance than 3 years under your supervision.No, I will continue my own path." Naruto said as he stood up and picked up his cup and Shizune's empty cup. "I will talk with Tsunade about allowing me into my parents house to retrieve any scrolls and information. You two may leave now." Naruto said as Kakashi and Jiraiya nodded grimmly and left. Shizune stayed silent and was worried about Naruto. Naruto soon returned and sat next to Shizune. "Well, no we are alone. So, what is up?" Naruto said as he smiled brightly at her. "Well, I wanted to see how you were after the revelation of your family." Shizune said as Naruto chuckled. "You know, I don't really hate him. Sure, my dad sealed the Kyuubi in me but I understand why. Plus, I had always wanted to know who my parent are. I'm just glad to know that I finally know." Naruto said with a small smile as Shizune smiled back at him. "That's good. I was worried that you would be heartbroken." Shizune said as Naruto chuckled. "I'll take more than just that to hurt me." Naruto said as Shizune giggled. "So, you want to hang out tomorrow?" Shizune asked. Naruto smiled brightly and nodded. "Sure. I'll meet you at the park. I have to talk with someone there." Naruto said as Shizune nodded and stood up too leave. "Wait, it's dark outside. Let me walk you home. After all, I would like it if someone hurt you." Naruto said as Shizune blushed and nodded as they left.

(Next Day)

Naruto was running through the park as three kids chased him. He looked forward and saw Shizune sitting on a bench. "Shizune!!" Naruto shouted as the three kids tackled Naruto in front of Shizune who yelped. "We got you boss!!" the three kids shouted. "Nope." Naruto said as he disappeared in smoke. Suddenly, the kids were all knocked down by a leg. "Too slow." Naruto said as the kids pouted. "No fair nii-san." Konohamaru said. "I thought we had him." Naruto walked up to the kids as he helped them up. "Konohamaru, Moegi, Udon, meet Shizune. Shizune, meet the Team Ebisu." Naruto said as they introduced each other. "Well guys, I promised Shizune I would hang out with her, so, I'll see you guys another day." Naruto said as they nodded and said their goodbyes. "Well, let's go. Want to go to a restaurant?" Naruto asked while Shizune nodded. They soon left the park as they headed to the nearest restaurant.


Tsunade was reading through some scrolls as she stopped on one in particular. It was a letter from wave country claiming that some bandits were terrorizing the area. The scroll wanted both shinobi to fight and heal others. "ANBU, bring me Shizune, Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, and team Gai." Tsunade said as the ANBU left to retrieve the people. After 10 minutes, the people called appeared. Naruto looked a little annoyed while also trying to look serious. "I have called you to  send you to a mission. Wave country has asked for help. The will need both healers and fighters. I hope that it is no mayor problem." Tsunade said as they nodded. "If you guys need help, send a summon." Tsunade said as they nodded. "Meet up at the gate in 10 minutes." Kakashi said as Gai nodded with a smile. Naruto wasted no time as he disappeared in a yellow flash and appeared in his apartment. He quickly packed up and sealed his most important things. He soon got out and ran toward the gate as he sheathed his sword on his way there. He had quickly arrived at the gate and could Kakashi along with Gai there. He greeted them as he sat down and meditated. About 15 minutes passed by until they had all arrived. The ninjas wasted no time as they headed toward wave country.

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