Naruto's Return (Chapter 14)

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Naruto meditated on a wooden plank on top of a spike as he balanced himself. Overtime it had been easier for him to become more patient. He smiled at the fact that the toads had helped much in his training. Gamabunta had helped him sharpen his kenjutsu as well as teach him and improve some wind jutsu. Fuaksaku had helped him improve the strength and speed of  his sage mode as well as improving the different uses of sage mode. He had gotten help in earth and water jutsu by other toads and was given more help in his seals. Two seals were near completion while the 3rd was 75% done. He had been given some new chakra exercises as well as some new jutsu to practice. Naruto could not be any happier to be given more help for training. He was taken out of his musing when he heard his name. He quickly jumped off the plank as he landed in front of Fukasaku. "Naruto-boy, we have given the most help we could for now. Do not hesitate to ask for help, however, I believe now is time for you to return." Fukasaku said as Naruto nodded and bowed. "Thank you Fukasaku-sama." Naruto said as Fukasaku smiled and nodded. Naruto soon disappeared in a puff of smoke and was back in his apartment. Naruto smiled as he sat in his bed opened his book as he read the seals. 


Tsunade sighed as she drank some of her sake. 3 days ago she had announced to the village the true heritage of Naruto.  At first the village had denied and outrage the fact. They just could not believe that the so called demon was the son of their beloved fourth hokage. However, Tsunade had presented the evidence needed. She had shown the village the DNA samples that showed Naruto's heritage. After that, she had retrieved Minato's will and Minato's last words. Finally, she had made Jiraiya create a clone as on transformed to Minato while the other became Naruto without his whiskers. All the villagers were in shock until they felt guilt and sadness. The Rookie 11 were in shock at the fact that the so called dobe was the son of one of the greatest heros. However, Ayame and Teuchi, Iruka, and Shizune felt no guilt since they had never truly hurt Naruto. They had always respected him and even helped him when he needed the most. Tsunade gained an annoyed look as she read and ripped another letter. After the announcement, many marriage contracts for Naruto. However, since Naruto was an orphan, Tsunade had control of what was approved. She could only hope that Naruto would not act rashly when he returned from Mount Myoboku. 


Naruto had gotten tired of reading and had decided to leave to eat at Ichiraku. He grabbed a dark blue shirt as he walked out while still wearing his black training pants. He walked with his hands inside his pockets as he thought of what he is missing on his seals. However, he suddenly felt weird as he looked around and saw the villagers. It was not the fact that the villagers were glaring at him and whispering, but the opposite as if smiling at him as if they knew him and waving at him. Naruto seemed confused and starting running as he did not like how they were acting. He had finally made it to Ichiraku were he greeted Ayame and Teuchi. "Hey Ayame-nee-chan, Teuchi-jiji. I just came to get one bowl of miso ramen." Naruto said as they nodded. "So..Naruto, how has it been?" Ayame asked as her father made the ramen. "What do you mean?" Naruto asked, confused of what she meant. "Don't you know? Weren't you here for the announcement?" Ayame asked, surprised. "No, I was training in Mount Myoboku for a week." Naruto said as Teuchi brought the ramen and joined their conversation. "Naruto....your parents were revealed." Teuchi said as Naruto froze with noodles in his mouths. "What?" Naruto said after eating his noodles in a small voice. "Yeah Naruto. They said your parents were....were...Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki." Ayame said in a low voice as Naruto froze and looked down. "My father....was the fourth hokage." Naruto said as he was in disbelief. "Naruto, I'm sorry. We did not know until now." Teuchi said as Naruto dropped a few tears. He suddenly stood up and quickly paid for his meal. "I need to leave, sorry guys. I swear I'll come back as soon as I can. That is a promise." Naruto said as Ayame and Teuchi nodded. Naruto left as he ran toward the hokage office as fast as he could. Naruto slammed open the door as he faced Tsunade. "Why was I not told?" Naruto said as he faced Tsunade. "You were not suppose to be told until you reached a certain level of power or became of age." Tsunade said as she stopped working. "Who knew before the announcement?" Naruto asked. "Jiraiya, Kakashi, and me knew about your heritage." Tsunade said as Naruto still looked angry. "Tsunade....I do not want anyone to touch a single memory of my family. I need to think about this before I do anything." Naruto said as he left the room. Tsunade sighed as she did not know what to do anymore.

(Fire Daimyo)

The daimyo sighed as he saw his daughter leave the house. He did not know what to do. He looked back at a paper in his hand deciding what to do. He put the paper down and looked outside. On the paper was two signatures. The daimyo's signature and Minato's signature. The paper itself? A marriage contract between Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki and his daughter Sayuri Shijimi. 

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