Handling Intruders (Chapter 9)

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All the intruders looked shocked while Shizune put her head down in shame. Naruto used a small amount of the Kyuubi chakra to read their emotions. Most seemed surprised and slightly angry. However, he could feel Shikamaru and Shizune were ashamed and sorry. He sighed as he pointed his hand going outside and everyone understood as they were all signalled to get out of his room. Soon, all of the people were outside as they saw Naruto put his book in a storage seal on his wrist, shocking everyone since most storage seals would be on scrolls. "Haven't you heard that it is wrong to look through people's stuff?" Naruto asked as his kunai appeared out of nowhere. "Nar-r-ruto-kun, w-w-we just came-e-e to t-t-talk." Hinata said as the group nodded while Shizune looked saddened at being caught with them. "Shizune.....I don't think you would do much so I will talk with you separately. The others, however, aren't of the hook. Shikamaru, you are innocent, that much I know. The rest, I will only say this once, get out of my business. You guys made it clear that you guys want nothing to do with the 'demon'. The only people I truly trust right now are Shikamaru, Neji, and Shizune. Now....GET OUT!!!!" Naruto screamed as everyone jumped a little and ran out. Shizune, however, stayed as she still needed to talk with him. "Shizune, please do not enter again. I am trusting you with all I have. Now, why did you come? I don't think you just came to break in." Naruto said as Shizune blushed. "Yeah, I came to ask if you wanted to get breakfast and maybe train a little." Shizune said as she still had her head down. "Sure, let me get some clothes and I'll be right with you." Naruto said as he walked away while Shizune stayed in the living room as she sat down while sighing.  Not much longer and Naruto had returned in a dark blue shirt with the Uzumaki symbols on both sleeves and black pants with the same ninja sandals. "Well, let's go." Naruto said as both left the apartment as Naruto activated a blood seal on his door. 

(Ichiraku Ramen)

Naruto and Shizune had arrived to the stand as Ayame greeted both of them. "So, how has your training been going?" Shizune asked as she started eating her ramen. "Good, I am improving. I have learned much more in these months than in the many years under a sensei. I should have started long ago. How is working under baa-chan been?" Naruto asked as he started his first plate. "Well, it is hard. Tsunade-sama is very irresponsible and can be a handful when she is....drunk." Shizune said as she sighed. Naruto started chuckling while looking at her. "Have you considered using shadow clones? I mean, they act like a real person, have their own minds, and can transfer all information they learn back to you." Naruto said as Shizune's eyes widen and face palmed while Naruto chuckled again. "You know, you should help around in the school with that kind of intelligence." Shizune said as Naruto though. "I don't think so. My teaching methods is more hands on than boring reading." Naruto said as he finished his third bowl. They both chuckled as they finished their meals. "Well, let's go train." Naruto said as he pulled out a wallet. "Ayame-nee-chan, we're done. Here's the money. There's a tip for both of you bye." Naruto said as he waved at Ayame who waved back. 


Naruto and Shizune had arrived at a secret area where Naruto would train. The field seemed to have overgrown vegetation, however, some of the vegetation seemed damaged or destroyed. The field was next to a lake river which was joined by a waterfall. "Well, you wanted to train. So, let's start." Naruto said as he got in a fighting stance. Shizune's eyes widen as she created some chakra scalpel and ran toward each other.


Tsunade was sitting in her office as she drank some sake. She was looking through some files when two men appeared in her office. She looked up as the smoke from Shunshun dissipated and Kakashi along with Jiraiya stood there. "Jiraiya, Kakashi. What are you two doing here?" Tsunade asked as she returned to her work. "Well, Hokage-sama, I was wondering when Naruto will join my team back, after all, he has training with me." Kakashi said as he read his book. "Kakashi, Naruto is no longer of team 7. He gave me a sheet with the multiple reasons of why and I have agreed. Naruto, for now, is a replacement ninja i training incase a team is missing a member." Tsunade said as Kakashi's eye widen. "I'm here for the same reason Hime. The toads want Naruto to return to the toads home so he can control his sage mode since they have reported that they have sensed him doing it more often. I also have to train him in much more and I even have some notes from him." Jiraiya said as he emphasized the last word. Tsunade sighed as she looked at both men. "Naruto does not need a sensei right now. He has chosen his own path and unless he says he wants one of you as a sensei, then you are free to help him, but it is not my decision." Tsunade said as both men nodded and left, each going different paths to search for Naruto. 


Shizune breathed heavily as she used the mystical palm technique to heal herself. Naruto looked slightly amused and had a grin as he stood there, harmlessly. "I....give...Naruto." Shizune said as Naruto nodded and walked toward her to help. She was sure of one thing, Naruto had gone beyond his past level.

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