Result (Chapter 6)

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(2 Weeks Later)

To say that Naruto was surprised would be a lie. After telling his "friends" about the kyuubi, they had all started to distance themselves from him. The only persons who evered bother to appear were Shizune and Neji. Neji had taken his time to think of everything that had happened. He had yelled at Naruto for not being able to understand what it meant for one to be cursed by faith, yet, Naruto had to carry a burden that he had never asked for. He had suffered more pain than Neji would ever understand. And for that, Neji admired him. Naruto had not slowed down in his training. Using his prankster side, Naruto had entered some store in disguises so that he could buy the tools and equipment he needed. He had great understanding in ninjutsu, taijutsu, & shurikenjutsu. However, thanks to his lack of resources, he could not learn about kinjutsu and fuinjutsu. He had little information about sword stances and applied it to his training but that was soon becoming useless. For fuinjutsu, he had only been able to learn the kanjis as well as learn the basic seals such as storage seals or exploding seals. Genjutsu was not his strongest area but had become fairly decent with the use of it. Finally came senjutsu. Since his training with the toads, Naruto had learned the basics of senjutsu such as how to activate it and to extract energy from nature. However, he wanted to expand his knowledge in it. Soon, he had started practicing in controlling the chakra around the nature. He has found that he has limited control of the object in a 2 mile radius. He could manipulate an object as long as he stayed concentrated and had started infusing nature chakra into his attack, making them faster and stronger. Currently, Naruto was walking through the village as he looked at the various merchants. He knew that if he was to get anything of use, he would be able to get here. His attention was suddenly attracted by one specific merchant. The merchant seem to come from the land of iron. Naruto grinned as he knew that this greatly benefit him. "Hello sir, I was wondering if had any scrolls in sword stances." Naruto asked as he looked around. "Sure kid, these are some of the most famous stances we have..." the merchant said as he was interrupted. "No, I was looking for something more challenging." Naruto said as he looked around. "Oh, well, I do have one stance like that but, they say that no one has ever successfully learned it." the merchant said as he retrieved a scroll containing 20 different pages. Naruto examined it and suddenly grinned. "I'll take them." Naruto said as the merchant nodded. Naruto left as he paid knowing he did a great deal. The scroll contained what he need. Sword stances that relied in strength, speed, and reaction time. He could not wait to test them out and combine them with his Demon Striker stance. 


Neji was getting bored as he fought against some of the other Hyuuga members. He started to think about Naruto's revelation and how he could help him. He knew that Naruto was now training himself seriously. His eyes widen as he realized he could help him in one way. In the Hyuuga library, there was one book that no one had bothered to read. A book that contained advance theories about sealing techniques. As soon as he finished, he had to leave and tell Naruto.


Naruto was practicing some of the sword katas he had just gotten and was sweating. It was true when he said that the stance would be hard to learn. However, he did not care, he would succeed. Before he could continue, he sensed a chakra signature spying him from the trees around him. He stopped his exercises and put his sword in its sheath. He swiftly created the hand sign for shadow clone as 3 more Naruto appeared while the original shunshined. Suddenly, Jiraiya appeared but the clones did not drop their stances. "Where is Naruto?" Jiraiya asked as the clones who stayed silent. Before he could do anything else, the clones dropped smoke bombs as they disappeared from sight. The original Naruto had travelled toward his apartment as he layed down and sighed as he could not train that day because of that. He suddenly heard a knock and stood up as he opened the door and saw Neji. He welcomed Neji in and prepared some tea as he sat Neji in his living room. As Naruto returned, Neji threw a book on the table. Naruto served Neji his tea as he opened the book. Neji drank the tea as he smiled at the small words Naruto had said. "Thank you." Naruto whispered as he had opened the book and read: Fuinjutsu.

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