Sensei Vs Student (Chapter 7)

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(1 Week Later)

Naruto had barely woken up and was racing to get to the Hokage tower. He had been contacted by an ANBU that he had a mission to go to. Naruto was proud of what he had accomplished in just one week. He had been studying nonstop the sealing book that Neji had given him and had learned much from  it. Thanks to learning about the sealing Kanjis, he had gotten to a proficient level. He had already created some unique seals such as his own chakra sealing and paralyzing seal. He had started reading the more advanced parts of the book as well as started his new seals for temperature control and a barrier seal. He had also learned that thanks to his two strongest affinities, they had hidden his two other elemental affinities: water and earth. He started practicing with those, learning two C and B rank jutsu for those two elements. Now , he stood in front of the tower as he entered and headed toward Tsunade's office. "Naruto, the reason I have called you is because I am planning to help you train." Tsunade said as she showed Naruto some papers. Naruto reads the papers and notices that much of the training will be dedicated to chakra control and a different taijutsu stand where strength is the main factor while leaving many openings. "I'll pass. My training so far is going.....alright." Naruto said as he returned the paper. "Naruto, I don't think you realize what kind of opportunity I am giving you." Tsunade said as she narrowed her eyes. "What you are giving me is useless. I already have my own chakra control method as well as taijutsu stance that relies on more than just strength. I am limited to what I can learn with your training." Naruto said as he reached for the door. "How about a deal. A fight between you and Kakashi. If Kakashi wins, you will follow my training." Tsunade said with a smirk. "Very well, but if I win, I want any scrolls or books about seals that you have." Naruto said with a serious look. Tsunade looked shocked but then smirks again and agrees. Naruto and Tsunade make a contract as both sign and Naruto leaves, with one week of preparation. Naruto smirked as he already started thinking of a strategy. 

(Next Week)

Kakashi and Tsunade stood on training groud 7 as they waited for Naruto. In the sidelines was the other teams as well as their sensei's and Jiraiya. Soon, Naruto shunshun himself in front of Kakashi. He was dressed in a black jacket with dark metallic orange sleeves that reach up to his elbows, dark blue ANBU pants and black ninja sandals. His headband was in its normal place. However, he also had holsters around both of his arms as well as one on his left leg. His sword was right behind him. One more detail they all noticed was the "tattoo" on both of his arms. "Well, it seems like you came Naruto." Kakashi said with his usual eye smile. "I am ready Hatake-san." Naruto said as he walked to the opposite side of the field while Tsunade went to the side. Kakashi just stood there while reading his book: Icha Icha. "Ready?(Both Nod) Begin!!!!" Tsunade said as she dropped her hand in a karate chop motion. Naruto wasted no time and threw kunais.  Kakashi easily dodged the attack and faced Naruto again. He looked up as two clones appeared with their fist near his face. His eyes widen as he never saw Naruto either summon the shadow clones or run at him. He dropped his book at the last moment to catch both fist but was sent back as they twisted their fists to allow both clones to give Kakashi a kick. Kakashi grabbed his book as he put it away and analyzed the two clones while the real Naruto stood behind him. Kakashi wasted no time and ran toward him. Both clones got into a weird taijutsu stance he had never seen but had many openings. He created a clone himself and attacked Naruto's legs, where the opening was. However, he did not expect the clones to counter the attack with their own legs and attacked. He noticed how the attacks were more fluent and quick as if moving like water but had much strength behind the fist. He noticed that the clone and Naruto were next to each other. The other clone and his clone had destroyed each other. "Fire style: great fireball technique." Kakashi screamed as he threw a giant fireball toward both Naruto, who were struck. As the smoke cleared, he noticed that none of the Narutos were there. Before he could search, a person blasted from under him and palmed Kakashi, sending him flying. Naruto appeared, his hands covered in rotating wind chakra and his legs covered in lightning chakra. As Kakashi stood up, he felt weird, as if his chakra was out of control. Before he could continue musing, Naruto had already approached him and was striking Kakashi with relentless attacks of wind infused palms which would start shredding his clothes and lighting infused kicks which would shock and burn him. Kakashi only gained a second of rest as he lifted his headband to show his sharingan. However, Naruto had noticed and stopped infusing wind in his hands as he reached his sword. "Water style: violent water wave." Kakashi said as he sent a blast waves of water. As they approached, Naruto only stood still. "Sword style: demon slash." Naruto whispered as a dark wind crackling with lightning in the shape of a blade was sent toward the wave. The blade like energy cut the wave in half and approached Kakashi. Kakashi's eyes widen as the blade approached him and dodged while slightly burning his right arm. Naruto ran toward Kakashi with his blade still out and held it in a position as if it was going to ram something. Kakashi analyzed the blade when he suddenly felt felt pain from his sharingan as the sharingan spun wildly and saw as he saw three different Narutos. One seemed about to strike, the other was running toward him, and the last was barely starting his sprint. Before Kakashi could react, Naruto had already gotten in front of him with the blade in his neck held by one hand and a rasengan ready aiming toward his gut. Everyone watching the battle was shocked while Kakashi stood frozen. "I win." Naruto said as he pulled his blade away and ended the rasengan. Tsunade looked shocked and approached Naruto. She wanted some answers.

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