The Peacock Part Two

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After breakfast Cygnus was allowed out into the garden to play.

Narcissa was surprised when the child took off running towards the backside of the house.

"Cygnus!" She called after her.

The little girl stumbled and fell, tumbling down the small slope.

When she came to a stop she giggled when the white Peacock appeared.

She sat very still as the peacock approached her.

She giggled when the peacock stretched out it's neck and stares her in the face with one bright green eye.

The little girl stood up, frightening the peacock.

"Sorry." She says hurriedly, patting the peacock on the head.

She struggled back up the hill, the peacock following her.

"Did you make a friend?" Narcissa asks her, smiling.

Cygnus nods aggressively and giggles as the peacock walks circles around her legs, making a weird sort of squawking sound.

From that day on, the girl and the peacock were rarely separated.

This became an issue on September first, 1989.

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