A Kindly Sir

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Cygnus stayed by the Hogesmede gate, sobbing as she heard the pained cries erupt from the quidditch pitch. She vomited again, stumbling into the village, where someone took notice of her.

In a daze, Cygnus could tell vaguely that she was being led into one of the taverns, and then led further into a private back room, where she was sat with a bucket and shortly presented with a cool rag on the back of her neck.

Eventually her cries ceased, and when she found the strength she looked up and was startled to see a man very much similar to her Headmaster.

The man bowed his head in solemn greeting.

"So, are you well enough to return to the castle?" He asks, offering her a bit of sandwich, which she turns down.

"They will be wondering where I have gotten off to. There has been a murder most foul." She says, her voice venomous as she finishes.

"A murder?" The man asks.

She just shakes her head, and the man respectfully refrains from asking again.

"I can walk with you to the gate, if you wish." He proffers instead. She nods, using his arm as stabilisation as they exit the tavern.

The walk through town is slow, arduous, but they arrive at the gate, and Cygnus turns to thank her mysterious saviour.

"I do not know your name, but I thank you." She says, inclining her head.

"Your thanks is noted, you may call me Aberforth." He says, also inclining his head.

They turn and go their separate ways.

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