Diagon Alley

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Cygnus looked up at the friendly game keeper.

"Hello Hagrid." She beamed, smiling.

"Well hello there, Cygnus." He greeted.

"Hello." She greeted the shy boy who was hiding behind the giant man.

"H.. Hello." He stutters.

"Are you starting Hogwarts this year? She asks.

The boy nods.

"And have you got a name?" She asks, smiling.

"H... Harry." He stutters.

Hagrid smiled down at the children. He had always quite liked the young Slytherin, and he was happy that Harry would know at least one friendly face when he did start school.

The snowy owl in the cage Hagrid was holding gave a loud screech, making Cygnus chuckle.

"Hello there." She says, sticking a finger in between the bars of the cage and letting the owl nip at it. "Aren't you a pretty bird."

"Well, we had best be off." Hagrid says, glancing at his pocket watch.

"Of course. See you at school, Harry." She says kindly, smiling at the younger boy and offering him a hand.

He takes it and gives her a weak handshake.

"My name's Cygnus, by the way." She says, and with a final stroke of the owl, she bids them goodbye, and Harry stares in wonder after the energetic girl.

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