First Year Farewell

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"In fourth place, with 356 points, Ravenclaw!" Dumbledore announces, and a smattering of weak applause echo around the hall.

"In third Place, with 400 points, Gryffindor." There was another rash of defeated applause.

"In second place, with 473 points... Hufflepuff!"

The Hufflepuff's applauded with enthusiasm.

"And in first place, with 512 points, Slytherin." The emerald house roared in victory, tossing their hats into the air.

"Yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin." She didn't miss the dry sarcasm in his voice.

"Now, it is time for your final night in the castle, for tomorrow, the train will arrive to ferry you home. Seventh years, it is time to say your final goodbyes, and just as you arrived, you shall depart the castle in the boats that carried you across the lake. Everyone else, you will go in the carriages."

As the feast ended Cygnus waited by the entrance for her friends.



Cygnus pulled the twins into a hug.

"I'll miss you guys."

"We'll miss you more!" Fred sighs, both squeezing her before letting go.

Cygnus hugged Lee, trying to memorise all the details of her friend's faces.

"September better be here quickly." Lee smiles sadly.

Cygnus smiles in return, grabbing her trunk and commodore's cage, while the owl alighted neatly upon her shoulder.

"Cygnus!" She froze for a moment, and then looked around.

Cedric swooped in and swept her into a bone crushing hug.

"Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?" He asks softly, and Cygnus frowns.

"Of course not, Ced." She lies, shaking her head.

"I'll miss my little songbird." He says, ruffling her hair.

"Cygnus, it's time to leave." Comes the sharp voice of her cousin.

Cygnus flinches, causing Cedric to frown.

"Goodbye, Mr. Diggory." She says softly.

Cedric's frown deepens, and his eyes shine with concern.

Lucius lays a hand on her shoulder, and Cygnus blinks, her face melting into a smile.

"I'm ready to leave, Lucius." She answers, smiling up at the pale blonde man.

"Very well, come along. Narcissa is waiting at the manor." He says, giving her a soft smile.

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