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Commodore pecked at Cygnus' ear, making the girl groan and away at him.

"It's too early, Commodore." She whines, burying her head into the pillows on her bed.

The dark owl hoots and pecks at her again.

"What?" She asks, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

The owl hops up onto her lap, expectantly stretching his left leg, which bears a letter.

"You silly bird." Cygnus chuckled, carefully unknotting the twine. Commodore ruffles his feathers and flaps his great wings twice, alighting upon the ornate post that stood next to her bed.

Cygnus smiles, running her fingers over the envelope then deftly turning it over and studying the wax seal. An ornate letter D, entwined with vines and surrounded by delicate scrollwork.

"Cedric." She breathes, tugging it open.

She reads the letter with enthralled interest, frowning, then smiling, then frowning again.

"This will hurt worst of all, pretty bird." She comments, wiping the tears from her eyes as she reaches up to the back of her neck and loosens the knots of her necklace.

Her owl tilts his head quizzically, hooting softly. As if voicing his questioning.

Her fingers tremble as she drops the necklace into an envelope.

"Take it." She whispers to her owl, her head pressed into his feathers. "Take it to him, and don't you bring it back."

Commodore coos sadly, his wide eyes staring at Cygnus. 

"Go, silly bird." She sighs, wiping the final tears from her face.

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