Dear Diary ➤ Part 7

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Dear diary,

What is it called when you reached a in life where you start every morning telling yourself you won't have a breakdown today?

What is it called when your own partner, the man they planned for you to marry - for eternity - shoos your emotions off as overreacting so he could put his job above you?

What is it called when grown adults gather around to judge a teenage girl to see if she's the perfect fit for a queen?

What is it called when you want to fall into your friends arms and cry but your heart refuses to let you worry them?

I'm a good friend. I'm a good girlfriend.

Yes, maybe I wasn't the best friend to Uma... but that wasn't my fault.

I did what was best for my reputation, what was best for my mother.

Others would be inconsiderate to not see from my point of perspective.

Imagine if I was like this on the Isle. My mother would have killed me. Even as a baby.

But nobody takes that into account. Nobody thinks about Mal's feelings.

It's always "Mal do this!" "Here come approve this!" "Wear this!" "Smile more!" "You should be happy you're here!"

And if I ever snap I'd be the bad guy....

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