Dear Diary ➤ Part 43

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In the blackout there were so many giggles. Mal guessed it was challenging in a lot of ways, but somehow it only increased the funniness of it all. It was another reason to hug, to tell the sort of slow jokes that bring the chance of a cushion being thrown your way. It was how they were, the jokes, the singing and the cuddles... and the blackness just made it all the more wonderful, as if the joy was distilled into a higher form.

But why couldn't she giggle with them? Laugh with them? What did she feel being attached to her arms? In her arms? Where was she?

Was she sick? Last time she was sick Ben rushed her to Auradon's treatable hospital. No... he hated her now. He wouldn't care if she was sick.

Mal hates being sick.

Sickness so often comes in waves rather than simply one thing at a time, yet in those long stretches of health she never thought how healthy things happen in bunches too, building her higher and stronger.

Mal guessed it's all about making the most of the good stuff and letting the bad stuff pass by as if it were elevator music. So, this crick in her neck, this cold, these muscle aches and head pain that comes as a slowly building bruise... it's all part of living, of reminding her to value health and care for those who ail.

"She's waking up,"

That voice. So unfamiliar to her. Did the person who was terrorizing her finally gave up on the games and kidnapped her?

At this alarming thought, Mal was up in a jiffy searching the room for the sign of any torturing devices, yanking at any uncomfortable, unfamiliar object she felt in her arm.

"Princess Mal! Princess Mal, it's okay. Call the doctor!"

Light. It was the kind of brightness that enchants the eyes to open all the wider and warms the skin.

"Where am I?" as she choked out the words, she hadn't realized she spoken them. Consciousness was calling her but was also distancing.

"You're in the Auradon Hospital, sweetie. The doctor is coming. We're here for you. Nobody is attacking you," answered Nurse Attina, sister of Ariel.

That's when it came back to her. The hospital room, the panicking, the crying, the begging, the hope. She let out a breathy sigh, wishing to fall back into the carefree black dream land she managed to escape to.

When your darkness becomes your protective inner dragon whom is the servant of love, bound in duty to obey the light, the darkness becomes the most soft of black velvets illuminated by heaven-spun stars.

Mal wished she stayed asleep.


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