Chapter 11

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*1 month later*


me and Kahnan was on the way to his doctor appointment. Dave is supposed to be meeting us at the doctor. I pull up and get out grabbing K. I get in the door and sign in. it was a couple people in front of us so we a had a little wait. I took K out his car seat and held him. "heyy shinkk" I said kissing him. he just smiled showing his gums. I continued to play with him until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and it was a little light-skinned boy. he looked to be about 5 or 6. "yes" I asked holding K the right way. "is that your baby" he asked. I nodded. "dang" he said. I chuckled. "anyway, you pretty. you gotta boyfriend" he asked. I chuckled, nodding and the doctors office door opened. I looked up and it was Dave. "where is your boyfriend" the little boy asked. I pointed at Dave as he came and sat down, taking Kahnan from me. "I can take him, wassgood lil nigga" he said looking at Dave. I started laughing. Dave looked at me and him. "lil nigga? you the lil one" Dave said. I died laughing. "yeah yeah, back to you. what's ya name" he asked waving Dave off. "Yanna" I said. he nodded. "well I'm Jacquez but you can call me Jac" he said smiling. I smiled too. "so you gonna be my girlfriend" he asked. Dave chuckled. "she can't" Dave said. Jac sucked his teeth. "nigga please, yo jolly green giant head ahh" he said. I laughed as Dave sucked his teeth. "yeah okay midget" he said. "sooooo" he asked looking at me. "I guess I can be ya girlfriend, if you buy me food" I said. he nodded vigorously. I chuckled. "okay then" I said smiling at him. he smiled back. "Jacquez Tariq Johnson" some lady said. Jac looked at me smiling innocently as a lady walked up. "Jac didn't I tell you about running off, I'm sorry if he was bothering you" the lady said looking at me. I nodded. "he was fine" I said chuckling. "c'mon Jac" the lady said dragging him away. "bye girlfriend" he said waving. "bye bae" I said smiling. the lady pulled him to the back and I looked at Dave. "where you been" I asked touching his hair. he shrugged. "I was at Wayno crib" he said bouncing K on his leg. he didn't even look at me.  "he's gonna spit up on you" I said as K started spitting up. Dave sucked his teeth. I chuckled and handed him a wipe, taking K from him. "you spit up on Daddy pants stink" I said wiping his face with the bib. "word son, I thought we was cool" Dave said touching his face. K just made baby noises. "Kahnan Brewster" the nurse said. I stood up with Kahnan and Dave grabbed the car seat and bag. we followed the nurse to the back. After they weighted him and did all the usual we were waiting for the doctor. "did you hear what she said" Dave asked. I nodded slowly. "she said he weigh 16.5 pounds" Dave said. I chuckled. "that's my fat stinkkyyy"I said kissing him. "yeah, fat shinky my ass" Dave said as the doctor came in. "hey Yanna" she said. I smiled. "wassgood Dave" she asked dapping him up. somehow him and the doctor are the best of friends now. "heey babyyy" she said rubbing his belly. he smiled showing his gums.

after the doctor I went to get Nae. Dave said he had to go get Kai from Millie. "heey bihh" Nae said when she got in. I smiled. "where Dave" she asked. "he said he was going to get Kai" I said pulling off. she nodded. when we got back to the house I put K in his crib and went and sat with Nae. "where shoota" I asked turning on the PS4. she shrugged. "I don't know, I think he at home" she said. I nodded. "bitch you boutta play run the neighborhood" she asked. I nodded. "you know it" I said waiting for the game to load. I heard the door open and heard little feet going across the floor. "yannnaaaaa" Kai yelled running and jumping on me. "hey mamas" I said pinching her cheeks. she smiled and gave me a hug. "where K" she asked sitting between me and Nae. "him is sleep" I said not taking my attention off the TV. "where ya father" I asked. "he was on the porch" she said. she's growing up and she's getting better pronouncing words. I nodded still focusing on the game. "where my son" Dave yelled walking in. I rolled my eyes. "him sleep" Kai said standing up and jumping off the couch. "stop before you hurt ya self" he said referring to Kai jumping off the couch. she came and sat back between us. "Yanna" she said. I glanced at her. "yeah" I asked. "can I get your phone" she asked. I paused the game and went to Doc McStuffins before handing it to her. she got up and walked away. I got back to my game. "suh you know you could've got that block" Nae sais pointing. I hate playing the game around her because she more into it than I am. "wassgood with Dave" she asked. I glanced over at her. "what you mean" I asked. she shrugged. "he didn't speak or nothing" she said. I turned the game off and looked at her. she shrugged. "I was just wondering, he seemed a little off" she said. I shrugged. "he might be, I'll see wassgood with him" I said. she nodded as Dave came back in the living room. "yeeerrrr" he said making me turn towards him. "I gotta go to Cali tonight and then I got a show in Connecticut, so I'll be gone for a few days" he said. I sighed nodding. "bet" he said walking back in the kitchen. "some ain't right suh" Nae said shaking her head. I narrowed my eyes and started thinking about it.

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