Chapter 17

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this is the month when i get this DNA test. she supposed to have the baby any time now. i'm quite frankly scared. i know i got 2 other kids but for some reason this one scares me. maybe because if this baby is mine i will have this hanging over my head for as long as me and Yanna are together. "baby" Yanna said snapping me out of my thoughts. i looked in her direction. "huh" i said. she shook her head. "you didn't hear a word i said" she said sitting next to me. i sighed looking at her. "i'm sorry, i'm a lil off" i said rubbing my hand down my face. "are you okay" she asked. i nodded. "yeah, it's a lot on my mind" i said looking at her. she nodded understanding. "you can talk to me, you know that right" she asked. i nodded. "i will once i get my thoughts together" i said looking at her. she nodded. "well me and K going to see Nae" she said picking him up. i nodded.


i know this is going to be a hard month for him. he feels that if the baby is his he's going to have to hold this over his head 5eva. he does have to hold himself accountable but i know he's gonna feel guilty for the rest of the time me and him are together. i pull up and get out and get K. he starts babbling. "yeah, i know" i said. i put him down and hold his hand as he walks. my freaking baby growing up. he's gonna be 1 in 3 weeks. 3 weeks. time flying by. we walk up the stairs and i knock on the door. "heeeyy" she says as the door opens. i smile. she picks up K and gives him a kiss. he gets fussy meaning he want her to put him down. "oh hush" she said putting him down. he walks through the house and i walk in closing the door behind me. "wassgood sus" she said rubbing her stomach. did i mention she's 6 months pregnant. she found out when she was 4 months. we just thought she was gaining happy weight. turns out the bitch was four months pregnant and didn't know. Shoota on the other hand knew. he swear he put a condom on but i know this nigga busted in her on purpose. mfs been wanted a baby since i had K.  "heey auntie stink" i said touching her stomach. she's having a girl and i'm gonna steal her because K getting old and he starting to only want Dave. just fake as hell, like i'm not the one who pushed you out but whatevs. "how she doing in there" i asked as we sat on the couch. she sighed. "just fine, waking me up at 3 in the morning" she said rubbing her stomach. i chuckled. "that's auntie tink" i said. she shook her head. "wassup with you tho" she asked looking at me. i shrugged. "nothing really, tryna get Dave to tell me what's on his mind" i said sighing. "he still ain't tryna talk about it" she asked. i nodded. "he keep telling me when he's ready he'll talk" i said. she sighed. "my poor sweet brother" she said. i shook my head. "he did this to himself but i don't want him to feel like anything's going to change if that is his baby" i said twiddling my fingers. she shook her head. "Yanna you can't force him to talk but just wait until he's ready" she said. i shook my head. "i guess man" i said running my hand down my arm. then my phone dinged indicating i had a text.

D 🤞🏽💙: yanna?

me: yes?

D 🤞🏽💙: i'm going to the stu to get my mind together.

me: okay 🙄

D 🤞🏽💙: don't be like that.

me: be like what?

D 🤞🏽💙: Yanna i'm not in the mood deadass 🤦🏽‍♂

me: okay Dave 🤦🏽‍♀

i wasn't trying to start anything but that's where he's always at "trying to get his mind together". i feel like he lying to me but i may be wrong. "Yanna come on, cheer up" Nae said pushing me. i shook my head. "he's bringing me down, he's always been the one to cheer me up. now he's down and i can't do nothing about it cause he won't tell me what's on his mind. feel me" i said looking at her. she sighed. "shit yanna i can only tell you to make him talk. pull it out of him" she said doing her hand motions. i sighed. "i got to cause this ain't the Dave i know" i said shrugging. i called him.

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