Chapter 13

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*4 months later*


we decided on just being co parents since Dave don't officially know if that his baby. he got 5 more months until the baby comes, so he got 5 more months without me. I moved out and moved in my own condo. he got a new girlfriend too. her name is something with a A. I can't remember at the moment because I don't care about what they got going on. "Dave c'mon" I yelled walking in his house. we were going to my ma's wedding. her and her boo done got engaged and married in 4 months because he is in the army. he is stationed in Germany. I can't believe my mommy getting married. "you came to my house to yell" he asked fixing his suit. I chuckled. "boy c'mon" I said walking out the door. "where Kai" he asked. I pointed to the car. he nodded and locked the door. "you driving" I said getting in the passenger side. he slid into the drivers seat and we made our way to the wedding. "why didn't you wanna be in the wedding" he asked as he drove. I shrugged. "I don't know really" I said looking at him. he shook his head. "you look good tho" he said.

I looked at him chuckling

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I looked at him chuckling. "I know" I said as we stopped at a read light. he looked at me and I winked. he shook his head. "boy stop flirting with me" I said smirking. he chuckled. "I can't be nice" he asked glancing at me. I chuckled. "not when you got a girlfriend" I said. he sucked his teeth. "here you go" he said as we pulled up to the church. I chuckled getting out the car. I got Kai out and fixed her dress, as Dave got K out. "you look pretty mamas" I said holding her hand. she smiled. "I know" she said. I chuckled shaking my head.

when we walked in I went to find my mommy. "go sit on the front row" I told Dave before I walked away. he nodded and walked away. I walked into the little room my ma and my aunts was in. "yes hunny" I said when I walked in the room. my mommy look so cute. "I look good" she asked. I laughed. "yeah ma" I said hugging her. "alright 5 minutes" the wedding planner said peeking in the door. my mama sighed. "you good, you're getting married" I said patting her. she nodded slowly. I kissed her cheek and left the room. I went and sat next to Dave. I took K from him and sat next to him. "ya step pops funny as hell" Dave whispered. I shook my head. "not my step pops, my mama husband" I whispered back. he chuckled and the music started playing. I watched as my sister and all the other brides maids walked down the aisle. then 'here comes the bride' comes on and we all stand up and watched as my momma walked down the aisle with my brother.


listen Ms. Andrea wedding was so beautiful. she cried through most of the wedding. I chuckled. we was now at the place of the reception waiting on Ms. Andrea and her husband to walk out. all the old joints blared through the speakers as I held a sleeping Kahnan. "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" the DJ yelled when they walked in. everybody clapped and cheered. after they took their seats Yanna came and sat at the table with me. "y'all look so cute" she cooed referring to me and K. I chuckled. "duhh, like father like son" I said sitting K in this car seat. she playfully rolled her eyes. then Step in the name of love Remix by R. Kelly came on. "this the joint" Nae yelled running to dance floor. "lets dance foo" Yanna said grabbing my hand. she lead me to the dance floor. I put my hands around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "y'all don't know nothing bout this" Nae said dancing next to us with Yanna grandfather. he smirked. I died laughing. "pops you not slick" Yanna said laughing. he winked. "ya grandfather funny as hell" I said as we two-stepped. she nodded. "he nasty" she said. then Dilemma by Nelly and Kelly Rowland came on. "this my joint" I said dancing around Yanna. "no matter what I do, all I think about is you, even when I'm with my boo, girl, you know I'm crazy over you" I sung pointing at her. she threw her head back laughing. "you a mess boy" she said as we danced singing the song. "I, love you, and I, neeeed you, Yanna I, love you, I do" I said as the song came to an end. she smiled wide. "Dave come dance with me" Ms. Andrea yelled over to me. I nodded and made my way over there. Always be my baby by Mariah Carey played through speakers. "you look beautiful ma" I said to her as we swayed to the song. she cheesed real hard. "thank ya son and you don't look to bad ya self" she said looking at me. I smirked. "I mean I try" I said brushing my shoulders off. we shared a laugh. I looked around the room noticing everybody dancing. Yanna was dancing with her step pops, Nae was dancing with Yanna grandfather and he was feeling up in her, Kai was being held by Yanna little brother and they danced. she had a big crush on him anyway. she smiled the whole time. Re held K and they danced too. "it's time for Mr. and Mrs. Smith to share their first dance" the DJ announced. I gave Ma a hug and kiss before walking away. I walked away and went to get some food. listen I'm glad they had a buffet because I don't eat everything. I got some Mac, some meatballs, and some wings. I went and sat back next to Yanna. "aye my nigga what's ya girlfriend name again" Yanna asked taking a meatball sticking it in her mouth. I chuckled. everytime we together she ask, I'm starting to think she got short term memory lost. "she not my girlfriend but her name is Reginae" I said. her mouth dropped. "on baby" she asked. I nodded. "on babies" I said furrowing my brows. she chuckled. "I thought sis name started with an A" she said. I looked at her and we shared a laugh. "that shows you that I don't be listening when you talk" she said calming down. I shook my head. "a damn shame, I could be telling you about a murder I committed" I said. she died laughing again. I chuckled. "boy shut up, I listen all the time except for when you speaking about ya new baby mama and ya 'girlfriend'" she said shrugging. I chuckled. "so when I speak about Millie you listen" I asked. she nodded. "duh, that's my girl" she said. I shook my head. "y'all both crazy" I said. she jerked her head back. "don't do us" she said playfully rolling her eyes. I smiled.

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