Beatle kid Part 31

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she heard that Julian started the car and he drove away!!!!
He was leaving her behind in the House!!!!! He was completely forget to take Hope with him!!!!!
She could not believe he had done that!!!!.
There was no other choice for Hope than to call one of her father's and ask if he wanted to bring her to the hospital.
Hope walked with her hands on her belly to the phone and whispered to her baby,
" If I get your father in my hands, I'll kill him!!!! leaving me here all alone. and taking off without us."

 Grunting called Hope George up and quickly George answered "what was going on?"
Hope said to George "My water has broken I have to go to hospital."
George still not good awake, growled "Make your man wake up, it's his job to take you to the hospital.""George, Julian is on its way to the hospital. He's forgotten about me.
He is on his way to the hospital, without me and our baby. " Hope cried
"JULES HAS WHAT!!!!!!????" Asked George now wide awake.
 At that time got Hope her second  labor pains and sighed deeply.
"I'm coming!!!" Guild George, about 15 minutes later stopped George at Julian and Hope's home
and he helped Hope in his car and told that Olivia had been on the Phone with the hospital that they were coming
and they had to hold Julian there, when he was coming.
Her other fathers were also informed that Hope any time could give birth to her baby.
And also they would try to get there as fast as they could...

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