Chapter 6

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Ever since Camila moved to her current home in Miami, she seeked comfort and less loneliness. Having a boyfriend on the other side of the country isn't easy, and she needed to have friendships here and people that care about her as much as other people did back in California. It was easy, when she became a part of Dinah, Normani and Lauren's group, she knew it would get better from that point on. Lauren is the closest one to her, she would actually say she's her best friend at the moment. They maintain a slightly flirty friendship and maybe it sounds bad saying it, but it actually helps in the whole Austin situation, having someone there, always. It's crossed her mind before, what if it did grow into something else, but she can't do that, and she doesn't feel anything for anyone else other than a certain brown-haired boy, she still has feelings for Austin and cheating is not her thing. It's silly anyway, they're friends. Lauren is more like an emotional anchor for her, to keep her in check.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Lauren's voice brings her back down to earth, she zoned out again. Camila slowly shakes her head no, she's not hungry. "Why not?"

"Not hungry," Camila shrugs her shoulders and pushes the food away from her.

"Well you have to eat. You haven't been eating much the past few days. And you don't look so good," Lauren comments and whispers the last part as her eyes trail over the other girl's usually tan face but now too pale, still not as pale as her though.

"Thanks," Camila gives her a thumb rather sarcastically and Lauren frowns.

"How many hours did you sleep?"


Well, that explains it. She looks dead. "Camz, you gotta sleep more. Why were you up so late?" Camila knows she should at least get about six to eight hours of sleep but lately with the stress of her relationship and classes, it seems impossible.

"Studying..." Camila sighs and lets her eyes shut for a few seconds.

"For your presentation?" Camila nods weakly, "We are doing that tonight, you could've waited?"

"I wanted to study a bit before. Didn't want you to think I'm stupid or something," She says bluntly and that takes Lauren aback. How could she even think Lauren would ever think that? She can't be serious, but then again, if it was someone else, Lauren would probably just scoff and roll her eyes but it's Camila, she wants to explain why she's wrong.

"Camz, I would never...I don't think that at all. It's the opposite actually. I think you're really smart. And I don't want you to stay up that late because you need sleep, I'll help you with everything but you need rest," Lauren explains softly and Camila nods slowly as a tired grin takes over her beautiful face. Lauren feels a tan hand on top of her as a silent thank you and Lauren takes it, running her thumb over the back of her knuckles. "Now, I'm gonna take you to my car and you're going to take a nap before your next class," When she sees Camila start to shake her head, she adds, "And it's not up for debate."

When they get there, Lauren holds the passenger door open for Camila and the brunette blushes at the gesture but gets in. While she naps, Lauren listens to her music but not too loud. She scrolls through her phone for a bit and forty minutes after, she looks at the time, 2:30 PM. She decides to wake her.

"Camz, you have class in 10 minutes," Camila doesn't budge and Lauren sighs before trying again, "Camz..." She sing-songs. Camila mumbles something and Lauren is distracted by how adorable she looks, lips slightly parted and eyebrows furrowed as she asks for five more minutes. Lauren decides she's way too tired to have any kind of class, so she drives her home. When she gets there, Camila is still asleep. Placing one hand on her jaw, she shakes her gently and watches as Camila stirs. She looks confused and Lauren giggles, her frown deepens even more.

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