Chapter 20

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Lauren's POV

Camila always managed to take my breath away. She really was beautiful in any attire, any time of the day. It wasn't time to be thinking about that though, not because we were on a break but because the evident shock on her face when her eyes fell upon her younger sister brought me back to reality.

Sofia stood slightly behind me and Camila's traveled from hers to mine as if to ask what the hell had happened.

"Oh my god, Sofi, what happened?" I glanced back at the younger girl and she was staring at the ground. I had no time to register what was happening but the next thing I knew, Camila was pulling her into a hug.

"What happened?" Camila asked the shorter girl but didn't get any response. "What happened, Sofi? Why are you crying?" Camila looked at me now. "Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Can we just go inside," Sofi asked in a small voice and Camila was dragging her inside the next second. She dragged me inside too before I could protest. "Where's mom and dad?"

"They're sleeping. Sit here," Camila ordered as she sat down on the couch and turned on a light that dimly lit the living room. I stood awkwardly as the two sisters sat down. I saw Camila's warm brown eyes frantically search Sofi's face and body before she breathed, "Tell me."

"I, um, I was at a party tonight...I wasn't sleeping over at anyone's place like I had told mom," Sofi admitted to her lie that I had just found out about and Camila nodded, worry evident on her face. "And Lauren was there too," Camila looked at me now for answers but I let her sister talk. "I was with a guy most of the night. He invited me to the party and he, um, he seemed nice," she took a breath before continuing, "After a while, he told me he wanted me to meet his friends and I believed him. He took me upstairs," Camila's bottom lip started trembling as she heard Sofia's story and I had to sit down next to her. I knew I probably wasn't supposed to but in that moment it seemed right. Camila didn't react and intently kept listening to her sister.

"No one was in the room but us and I realized he didn't want me to meet anyone at all," Camila covered her mouth to stifle a sob and Sofia looked concerned, "Don't cry. That didn't–that didn't happen. He didn't get to touch me," Camila breathed a shaky sigh of relief and brought her sister into one more hug, this one lasting longer than the previous one. I watched the two sisters hold eachother as they cried again and I felt my own eyes watering one more time that night.

"Promise me," Camila pulled back and held her sister's face in her hands as she looked into the similar brown eyes. "Promise me nothing else happened," the younger sister promised and hey held eachother again, or actually, Camila held Sofia because she was just not letting go. Camila surprisingly turned back to me and wiped at her eyes. "How did you–I mean how did you help?"

I suddenly felt nervous because that sentence was probably more than all she had said to me the last two weeks combined. "I, uh, found her and helped her calm down," I tried to answer and seem as collected as possible.

Camila seemed stunned but her sister spoke up and surprised her even more. "She watched over me all night. I think he noticed actually and um, when she looked away for a few seconds, he just kind of took the chance."

I felt even more guilty after hearing that.

Camila mustered the best smile she could have at the moment and I smiled back. Sofia wanted to go to sleep and after a few moments of Camila holding onto her again, she hugged me good bye walked to the staircase. I hadn't known before that Camila was this overprotective over her sister but she walked her to the staircase and hugged her again. She told her something that I couldn't understand and watched her go up into her room.

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