Act 2: Incubi?

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As I sat at my desk during my last class of college I sighed as I looked out the window waiting for the bell to ring to let me leave to meet up with Mika at the mansion as she would be soon waiting for me there, the teacher spoke about a chemical that was created long ago by a scientist who ended up almost dying while making it, even so it wasn't all that important for we didn't have any reports or work to do on him anytime soon some students were actually taking notes about this while I had no need to for there was no need to know about this, when the bell rang I quickly stood up to get out and towards my car to get going home as I knew Mika was there waiting for me right now, the thought of this made me smile as I drove off to our home to see her soon.

I parked just as I saw her get in with two bags making me wonder why she had only two bags, once out I turned to where father drove away making me sigh as I got inside to see Mika standing looking at me in surprise as five unconscious boys were on the floor bleeding "Did you do this!?" she asked making me look at her in shock to her words "Why are you asking me this!? I just got here!" I spoke back to her, she started to demand answer as one wearing glasses started to wake up making me go over to him to help him stand "Are you alright?" I asked as he groaned from the pain he was in and slowly nodded "Let's sit you down for a bit though" I then said making him agree to me as I turned to Mika "Hey!" I said as another boy was kissing her "Sam. Stop it!" the guy I was helping said to the boy named Sam who was kissing Mika making me let him go "Mmm!" Sam answered making glare at him as the other boy saw this "I said stop. Now" the guy said making Sam look at him once more "Mmm... fine" Sam said as he pulled away from Mika as slowly the three other boys stood up.

Mika was confused and in a daze for a moment "Mika? Are you alright?" I asked her which she said nothing to until she exploded right next to me making me jump with a yelp and quickly covered my ears, images of my adoptive father David yelling at me with insults of who I was came to my mind making me slowly shiver in fear until she stopped yelling and went to punch Sam three times for kissing her, when she backed away to my side "Who are you five, and may I know why your in my home?" I asked making the one I helped to stand speak "Miss, please forgive us for this, we were attacked earlier today, we were in need of a place to heal and your home was close with the windows unlocked to our luck" he explained making me nod in understanding as I looked over each of them "Let's go to the dinning room so I may look over your injuries" I claimed making them nod and follow me.

"Mika, please take your things to your room before joining us" I said when the boys were out of ear shot, she nodded and got to her task making me then enter the dinning room as each of them were somewhere in the room, I then took a first aid kit in the kitchen and got to work on each of them "May I know the reason as to why Sam kissed my sister? He had no reason to and what of abilities?" I asked making the boy with red hair speak up "You see my dear maiden, were not exactly human" he said making me raise a brow as Mika came in "What do you mean, are you demons or something?" she asked almost like a joke but the boys took it to heart as the one with blue eyes spoke with a laugh "Well yeah actually" he said as the one with glasses that I was helping spoke "Were incubi, demons who feed off of sexual energy" he said making me blink before nodding in understanding making them look relieve to my reaction.

"Yeah right. Incubus don't exist" Mika said as she didn't believe them making them sigh "Incubi is the correct plural form, and yes, we do exist" he said as Mika only glared at him "Prove it" she said making me look at her in surprise as he sighed "Very well, Erik, go ahead" he said the red haired boy who went over to my sister and did the same thing Sam had done, the guy who let Erik kiss her presented himself as James then Erik, Sam the boy with blue eyes was Matthew while the orange haired boy who was watching me was Damien as she then fainted "You could have done something else you know" I said as I went over to my sister as James came over "Forgive me but she wanted proof" he said as he was about to carry her but I did it instead with ease "You could have done something else like I don't know show something that would make you different from us humans" I said making Sam laugh as James realized I was right as I then took Mika to her room.

"Your names" I turned to the voice as everyone turned to Damien who had spoken "What are your names?" he asked making me smile "The one who fainted is Mika and i'm her adopted older sister Jasmine Anderson" I said before going to take Mika to bed to rest for a bit, I was surprised to see them as it was amazing but I knew Mika and I would need to know more about them when she wakes up, I walked out and closed the door as Damien then went inside to watch over her making me nod and go to the dinning room to the other four boys "How are you feeling, I saw Damien was bandaged" I said as James and Erik were bandaging themselves and there two other brother's "Were feeling a bit better now" James said making me nod to them as I went to the kitchen as Matthew came in with James and Erik "Let us cook, we will also clean the blood up" James said making me blink a moment before nodding "Thank you" I said making him smile to me as I then walked out of the kitchen.

Sam was gone as I saw him at the entrance cleaning the blood, it made me feel bad for him as I went to help him out "I can do it myself" he said making me look at him for a moment before looking back to what I was doing "I know, but I think it would be faster if two did this together" I said making him stop for a moment before going back to work with me, when we were done I went to cleaning what we used making him go to help me out as I thanked him he smiled softly to me, when we were done we went to the dinning room and waited as Matthew walked out of the kitchen as Damien came in "She's awake now" he said making me smile and nod to him and his words "Did she freak out?" I asked "Not really, she calmed down when she saw me" he explained making me sigh in relief to his words "Good, I was scared she would jump away to protect herself for a moment" I said making him nod "She was thinking about it moments before calming down" he continued making me confused "Damien can read minds" Sam said making me nod to him as Mika and Matthew came in.

James greeted her with Sam making me giggle at them with Damien, Erik and Matthew came back out of the kitchen with food, they had to leave soon though "Why don't you all stay here, so you can train I mean to fight whoever did this to you" I said making Mika turn to me in shock "But you must not use your powers on me, Mika, her friends, our family or anyone who come in unless there your enemies. You also must help us take care of the mansion until after you beat the one who harmed you all" I said making them each nod in agreement but Sam who hated this, we all then went to eating as Mika and James bonded over the shrimp pesto while I turned to Damien who looked to be mumbling something "Damien? Aren't you eating?" I asked making him look at me in surprise to me, he then nodded to me and joined us to eat making me smile to him as we ate as when me and Mika were done she yawned making me smile at her "Well time for us to get some sleep, we have school tomorrow" I said making her eyes widen almost like she remembered something making the boys bid us goodnight.

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