Act 18: Happy ending

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A few months later...

I wake up to the rays of the sun and a feeling of lack in heat making me open my eyes to no Damien there at my side in bed, I sat up as a shiver ran up my spine as I remembered what we did the night before and that I was still naked "Hang on" I turned to see my boyfriend Damien there setting his button shirt on my shoulders I smiled to him and stood up to kiss him as he set two mugs on the nightstand, after my graduation party Thomas had gone to Mika's to bother me but failed as James and Damien kept close to me, our parents prepared a party for Mika that she forced them to make it for me too where Thomas used it as a chance to drug  and kidnap me without anyone seeing but Matthew.

This made the boys come after him and rescue me with Thomas vanishing from the world as everything about him disappeared as if he never existed making us all confused but Suzu and Naomi who didn't know who we were talking about so we left it to that, after that the boys each moved out of the mansion with James taking over the company with Mika moving out with him leaving me and Damien with the mansion as I went to find a new job for myself which wasn't hard as I got requested for modeling jobs making me go look at some modeling agencies' to hire me and a few weeks later 10 MGMT hired me and I was now excited for the jobs I could gain as I was hired a few times and quickly became famous from it, Damien at times would wait for me at the door to care for me and last night was because I didn't have work starting tomorrow for a few days.

"Do you want to do something today?" he asked making me kiss him gently on the lips and then shake my head no to him "Not really, just you with me will be enough for today" I said making him smile as he pushed me to bed once again making me giggle as he nibbled my neck as I moan in pleasure from the action, there were times where I wake up in the night from a nightmare about Malix and what he did to us all and sometimes it turned to night terrors making Damien need to wake me up and use his powers on me to calm me down for the rest of the night, it caused me to feel bad for him as I was making him use his energy to care for me and I really didn't want him to do it anymore but he even said it was ether him or one of his brother's making me sigh and allow him to keep going.

"How about breakfast and then a walk around the city before going to get ready for Erik's first fashion show, you said you really wanted to go" he said making me look at him and nod, Erik had started a new fashion line after buying the very building that was used for the Grey modeling agency before they vanished like they were never there and was going to show a first collection he had made that he was inspired by something that he would not tell "Oh yeah, Matthew also want's us to meet his girlfriend before the show" I said making him nod, happy to have remembered I moved to take a shower as I thought about Matthew's girlfriend as he didn't say much about her only that her name was Noryn and she would be a good friend for me, I wasn't so sure because it was the same thing Erik had told me about his girlfriend Irene and she would not stop glaring at me.

"How about breakfast and then a walk around the city before going to get ready for Erik's first fashion show, you said you really wanted to go" he said making me look at him and nod, Erik had started a new fashion line after buying the very buildi...

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She was a demon too who came to the human world, she hides her horns around others but when she's alone or with us or Erik she shows them when it was only him or us, the only thing I knew about her was that and when Damien heard my thoughts about Irene and her glares he told Erik who had no choice but to demand answers from her and her actions "She had done or said anything to you but present herself and this is how you treat her!? Like someone lower then you!? She's a dragon for heaven sake maybe even stronger then you!!" he had said in another room from where we were as Mika and Sam went to comfort me as Sam would not stop saying that when he get's a girlfriend he would make sure she was nice to me, when I got out Damien was there with a towel for me to care to dry my hair and skin as he got some clothes for me to wear today.

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