Act 7: Stronger then Sam

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When my alarm rang for five o'clock I moved to get ready for some training in the garden, this time of day was when me and grand-pa would train in demon magic together then as the sun came out it would turn into fighting with hands and or weapons, but now that he was gone all I had for help in the magic subject was the books he had in his office making me sigh as I went to take one and go outside to start a bit on a few spells before I need to put it back and then start my other training, it was fun when I was little to watch him do spells around or on me to see how I would react to it when I came over with being alone, bored or scared of my adoptive father at the time as he would tell me that no matter what he would always be there for me even in spirit making me always smile when we then bake some sweets together to cheer me up some more.

I noticed something was slowly changing inside of me as I worked on my skills making me smile as I punched the air in front of me with as much speed as I could bring out of myself at the moment, yet it looked like I would need to train in that subject a bit more with how slowly I became at the moment with how long it had been since I last trained due to the fact that grand-pa had been busy with work and even with my help he still wasn't able to train me at the time he was still alive making me sigh as I tried to think of a training plan for my speed while still training my fighting skills for the day "So, missy here can actually fight" turning my head to the sound I see James and his brother's all watching me from the entrance of the mansion making me blink for a moment and go back to my training.

"Do you always train like this?" James asked making me slightly turn to him and nod "Grand-pa always had time when I was little to train me, but before he died he had too much work that even if I helped it wasn't enough for us to train together" I explained and went back to my focus of high jump kicking the air, they didn't move or said anything after that but simply watched me train at the moment making it odd for me to have more people watching at the moment "Don't you have anything else to do right now?" I asked while taking a break from my training as Sam then smirked at me "Why? Scared we might hurt you if we train too?" he said making me glare at him as James tried to stop him "It's not our job to train her Sam. If she trains alone then she can train alone if she wants" he said making Sam ignore him as he moved to face me.

It was then that I had no choice but to fight him right now, I was a bit rusty with how long it had been since the last time I trained even so Sam was challenging me right now and I couldn't say no to him, but quickly as I got ready he made the first move to attack making me go into defense for now as he tried to punch me while he ignored James's demand of stopping as Erik joined him as Matthew tried to help me but Sam quickly made him quit making me glare at him once more as we did our little dance of him going in offense and I staying on defense making him slowly get tired as his attacks slowly went slow making me slightly smirk at him, when I saw he was putting up a sweat and was slowly giving up on hitting I moved to offense by kneeing him in the stomach and then kicking him with all I had towards his brother's.

He groaned while trying to stand as I moved to be over him slightly "Next time, work on your stamina to try and beat me" I said and walked back inside to get to my room to get a change of clothes to change into after a nice shower to loose the sweat on me, yet my mind went to the fight I had with Sam for it was strange that they were all there and watching me so early in the morning, even so I had work to do today so I pushed the thought away and went to focusing on my work after I got dry and dressed for the day making me smile when I went to the kitchen to see some breakfast there and ready for me at the moment so I went to eat while making myself a cup of hot chocolate for the day ahead of me with all the work I had right now making once done eating and getting the dishes in the sink I took my mug and went to my grand-pa's office to start my work.

In the end with each things I finished the pile did not decrease no matter how hard I tried making me sigh on how bad this was starting as I knew that some of them belonged to my father who decided to use me to his slight advantage right now, with a sigh I was about to take a sip of my drink only to realize that it was empty for some time now as a gentle knock on the door made me see Matthew there with Erik "We thought you might be hungry" Matthew said as he brought over a tray making me smile as Erik looked around my work "You have much to do" he said making me nod as I ate "And no matter how much I do it's like it's done nothing to make me see the end of it" I said making him then take a few and look them over with Matthew doing the same making me realize that the three of us could finish this up quickly before dinner was to be finished.

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