Act 3: My birthday

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Today is my birthday, turning 19 is actually fun even though in this story i'm turning 20 but hey it's my story and I can do what ever I want! Also the picture was taken yesterday.

Mika's pov.

I woke up this morning and made sure I was awake before Jas, I knew it was a fat chance with how early she had to be at college but might as well try as I quickly got dressed and took the wrapped box from my desk and ran downstairs to where she was almost at the door "Wait, wait, WAIT!" I said making her jump and turn making her short brown with red tip hair swing to her face with her brown eyes behind her purple glasses looking into my green ones to me before looking to her pocket watch as I stared at her amazing outfit "I need to leave Mika, basket ball practice and try-outs for new member's is today and I need to be there" she said as I panted from running to her before standing straight and showing her the box "Happy birthday!" I said making her eyes look at me in surprise as she then smiled and took it in hand to open the box to see what was inside "La rose blanche by Amy Ewing. Thank you Mika i'll read it soon" she said making me smile and nod as she then left to her car to drive to college.

"It's her birthday?" with a jump I turned to see Matthew standing behind me with his brother's at the dinning room and nodded "Yeah she's 20 today, September 13 is her birthday

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"It's her birthday?" with a jump I turned to see Matthew standing behind me with his brother's at the dinning room and nodded "Yeah she's 20 today, September 13 is her birthday. But with today being over in the afternoon for her she's going to be back for lunch" I said making them turn to James as he clapped his hands together "Then let's get the place ready for her return" he said making them all nod but Sam who groaned as Matthew went to the kitchen to bake and cook a few things as Damien and Erik went to decorate the place with balloons leaving James and Sam to plan a way to keep Jas away from the mansion until me and my friends come back for the party, I then went to eat breakfast and leave for school as Suzu and Naomi waited for me to then leave "Did you guys get a present for my sister?" I asked them making Suzu look proud while Naomi looked panicked a bit "I got something she wanted while Naomi still didn't find anything out" Suzu said making Naomi hush her as we got inside to Lisette waiting for us.

"So, what times the party" she said making Suzu glare as Naomi pulled her close to us while I ignored her, she always did what she could to get on my sister's good side to get what ever she wants making me want to keep her safe as we quickly went to our seats ignoring Lisette as best we could "Will go to the mall after school to find a present for her" I said making Naomi nod to my words as Lisette tried to listen in on us, my sister Jasmine was 6 when I was 4 when she came into my life as an Anderson and would care for me as I grew up until she moved out as I had asked my mother who simply said it was for the best making me still confused at the time, but when I turned 18 I then knew it was of how father treated her since she came into our lives making me happy for her to be free in a way, when lunch came I had gotten a text from an unknown number who claims it was from James who tells me that Jas bought him and his brother's a phone and that they were going with her to the mall to keep her distracted.

I smiled at this as he said he would do his best to keep her away from me and my friends as we find a gift for Naomi to give her, it made me smile as Suzu tried to help her the best she could with my word in things as I knew Jas the most as Lisette still tried to listen in as we then went with our day and towards the mall for Naomi to find a present "Doesn't she like that female author... Amanda Hocking?" she then asked making me nod "Yeah! You should buy the mermaid books she made! Jas really wanted to read them" Suzu said making Naomi by the first two instead as I told her I had already bought a book for her and she would need time to read that one before the mermaid ones, as she drove us back to the mansion Suzu worked on putting the books in a bag making Naomi sigh in relief "You know I would help you" Suzu had said as she kept working.

When we got inside the entrance was decorated like the dining room to celebrate Jasmine's birthday making me smile at the place being so amazing right now, we got to finishing the place up as the boys ran in to help out before she comes in making me smile as I saw her coming towards the door "HIDE!" I yelled making everyone do so quickly as James turned the lights off as she walked in "Hello?" I had heard her say as Sam turned the lights back on "SURPRISE!!" we said making her jump and laugh at us as I went to hug my sister "So this is why you wanted me away" she said making me glare at the boys, Matthew made Jas go to the dinning room where food and cake was ready for us all to enjoy making her thank us all for this "When the guys started to get me to the mall I just had to buy them some phones" she said to me when I asked her about the phones "Matthew's downloading games again!" Sam said making Jas sigh "Sam it's fine, even I have games on mine" she said making me giggle.

As we ate the cake Matthew would ask when it was time for Jas to open her presents "Soon Matthew" James would answer each time, I giggled like Jas and my friends making James and Damien blush at me and my sister making me wonder if they liked us even so Sam had enough and handed my sister his present making James groan in irritation as Jas opened it to find the three first books of the selection in french with the guard and the prince bonus book also in french making her smile "Thanks Sam" she said as Erik sighed at this as he then handed her his gift which was a Caroline Néron bracelet that made her smile and put it on from the colors that matched her taste as she thanked him, Matthew had decided to get her something cute which was a stuff bunny doll he had made himself with a pink bow on it's left ear making her smile and giggle.

James decided to get her a beautiful pink silk like dress with slightly matching shoes and diamond tear drop earrings making us look at him in surprise, she thanked him but I could tell that she believed it was too much for her as then Naomi gave her the books while Suzu went to give her Maître Gims album making Jas excited to listen to it as Damien vanished from the room without the others but me and Jas knowing "Can I speak with you?" he had reappeared behind Jas and brought her out of the room for a few moments before they both walked in with her showing me a book mark he gave her "He made it for me" she whispered making me smile at her as the party went on, my friends left with smiles on there faces leaving me to check on my sister in her room only to find her holding a perfume bottle and a small note saying "Happy birthday, hope you love it~ D" making me wonder who it was from but instead I went to be like the others.

So here you go guys it's my birthday I hope you all loved this chapter like I did as it was on my 19 birthday!!

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