Act 11: Searching for more

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Once back in bed, Saero left me be to take care of a few things leaving me with my laptop on my lap to do what I wished, it made me wonder what the boys and Mika would do now with what they were just told by me and the fact that the Demon lord is actually there father making me sigh as I turned to my laptop and got to work with a few things I need to set up for my absence from both school and work, as I got to work I did some research on a good excuse for my injuries to give to being absent making me wonder if something in there could help me out right now as a knock on my door made me see James walking in "Is something the matter James?" I asked as he moved to sit on the chair and looked at my screen "I'm looking for something that could bring the same injuries I gained to approve my absence" I explained as he nodded "Let us take care of that" he said making me nod to him.

"I would like to know more about your time with Malix and his father if that is alright and the still unfixed damages done on you" he said making me sigh and nod to his words "After capturing me I was placed into a cage and he was claiming that pets were to be in the cage at all times unless needed for something, Zenanth only wanted me to understand pain and how fun it is to hurt others but with how hard it was to get me to listen or even stay still he ended up harming me as I cry making him say that weaklings were the ones who cry and it only did worse for me as time went on" I started to explain to him as he listened without a word spoken back to me, he stayed with me as I worked on a few projects on my laptop that could be sent to some workers while others needed to be printed but James said he would get them once there done from my end "I'll go find you something to eat now" he said making me nod as he held the papers and documents that were needed at the company for the next few weeks.

With a sigh I look around my room with my eyes and wondered what I should do next for the moment with how i'm stuck in bed until I get better from my injuries, even so I thought to read a book only the problem was that my books were far from the bed meaning I would need to walk over to it or ask for someone to help, I sigh once more to that thought as I turned back to my laptop thinking about something else to do for now until a knock on my door made me turn to it "May I come in?" Damien's voice came making me speak up "Of course" I said as he opened the door to look at me as he closed the door behind himself, he like before looked around my room making me wonder why he was doing so until his eyes landed on my books "Which one are you reading right now?" he asked which surprised me at that moment.

It took me a moment for my brain to work once more and to figure out the answer to his question, when I remembered the answer I looked to him "La mémoire du lac by Joël Champetier" I said making him nod and look at them slowly making me smile at him when he brought the book over to me "Thank you" I then said making him nod as I was about to open the book to go back to reading until I turned to look at him, he was almost looking like he wanted to read the book right now "Do you want to read it?" I asked making him blink and look at me in slight surprise to my question "No! I mean no it's fine really" he said making me look at him even more confused then I was before now "Damien" I said making him look at me like he was scared that I might punish him for something he did "Is something the matter?" I asked as he sighed and looked back to the book.

"I-I don't know how to read actually" he explained making me nod to his words "Thank you for telling me that" I said making him turn to me and nod back making me then smile to him "Anything else I should know of?" I asked making him look slightly scared about something "Well..." he started making me look at him wondering what was going on "Sam might have made an explosive mess in the kitchen" he said as he lightly laughed making me glare at him as he grew scared of my facial expression, with a sigh I moved my body slowly to get it to make my legs dangle from the edge of the bed to then later on stand up which made Damien slightly panic for my safety "What are you doing? You need to rest" he said making me look at him "I need to see the damages Sam did to the kitchen" I said simply making him look at me for a moment before nodding and help me stand up to slowly walk down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

Once there my eyes widen at the mess of many foods and knives on the walls with the smell of burnt food with dark smoke slowly coming out of the kitchen and going into the dinning room making me start to cough, Damien looked around the place to see if someone was there only to hear James yelling at Sam for what he did and Mika sounding panicked about the damages as Erik and Matthew tried to calm down as Diana simply sighed and mumbled how stupid Sam had been at the moment as Saero agreed making Sam yell at her "Enough!" I yelled as everyone looked to me "Main hall NOW!!" I then yelled making everyone leave the kitchen to get to the entrance as Damien helped me there to also sit on the stairs for now to let my legs rest for a bit, looking at each of them I knew something had happened for Sam to almost destroy the kitchen "Now then. Someone tells me now the whole story or you all work on fixing the kitchen without any uses of any powers you have" I said making Damien sit beside me as the ones standing looked at one another until Diana began to speak.

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