Act 17: Finally over

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It was time, I was finally going to graduate and be able to work and do something more with my life, Mika told me that her friends would be there and so would our mother as the boys told me they would be there too making me even more excited for Diana told me that she and Saero would be there too, making me so very much excited that I woke up way before Damien and the others so I went to make everyone and myself breakfast before eating and then getting ready with wearing my light pink dress that goes above the knees with the slightly matching flats and tear drop earrings that James got for my birthday before leaving while they all slept as I couldn't sleep and simply left with my car with the thought of what would happen once back home "This is going to be perfect" I said to myself as I drove to my school as I smiled the whole way as Mika texted me just as I got out of the car wanting to know where I was at the moment making me reply that I made them all breakfast but that I left early making her complain about it.

It was time, I was finally going to graduate and be able to work and do something more with my life, Mika told me that her friends would be there and so would our mother as the boys told me they would be there too making me even more excited for D...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I laughed at this as I got inside to see many students getting the place ready for graduation making me simply look around and then get to my classroom as the other students were simply talking about there summer or the job they were getting making me simply roll my eyes and read a book, as I read the girls gasped and sighed making me know that it was because the hottest guy in our school that was in our class Thomas Grey came in the class and the girls all wanted to be married to him not just because he was going to take over the modeling agency that his father owned and with him working there as a model he was very rich "Hey Anderson" he said as I simply looked to him from the corner of my eye before looking back to my book and nodding to him in understanding to him being there "So, graduation is coming and there is this graduation party i'm having for us all at my place and was wondering if you would come... as my date" he said making all the students in the class gasp.

He had never asked any girl out before, all magazines who interviewed him had asked him about dating but he always said that in his school there was a girl he saw that he never got the gut to ask out and he would, at the graduation party he was having as his date "No" I said making the room go silent as if a pin could drop "Um, can I ask why?" he asked making me look to him as a teacher came in saying that we had to get ready for the graduation "I have a boyfriend, so no" I said and walked out to get ready with the graduation robe as James texted for Damien about where I was making me reply that I was getting the robe on and should be outside soon as Thomas moved over to me looking slightly angered "You? A boyfriend? Your just saying that to be hard to get. What do you want? Flowers? Money? Work at the agency?" he demanded making me ignore him as I then walked out and saw the boys making me wave to Damien.

The rest of the class came out just as Damien waved back to me, only to moments later glare towards Thomas making me understand he was reading his thoughts "He likes me, he wanted me to be his date for the graduation party he's having at his place and doesn't believe that I have a boyfriend" I thought to him as he nodded to me and winked at me as I blushed to the bold move he did making James ask him something as Damien spoke back to his brother making Erik join in on the chat making Mika and Naomi groan, I giggled at them and sat down at my seat as I wait to be called out as Thomas took the seat of the student who was supposed to sit next to me "I can give you so much, you won't need to work at that stupid toy company your grand-father created" he whispered making me glare at him "I don't like you, all you did is waste your time waiting to ask me at the last minute when I have a boyfriend who is watching me" I hissed as my name was called making me stand and get my diploma.

When it was over Damien came over just as the robe and cap was off leaving me in my flats and dress making him blush at it "Beautiful" he whispered as he kissed my cheek making me giggle at him, Thomas was watching me as the others came over with Diana hugging me as she was happy for me at the moment "Diana i'm not a little kid anymore" I mumbled making her giggle "I know, but you act like one so much that it's hard for me to not treat you like one" she said making me roll my eyes to her as we then left for the mansion to celebrate my graduation as Mika's was tomorrow, as we drove I noticed a certain Ferrari car following us "Dammit! Thomas is following" I hissed making Erik and Sam look back "Damien?" James asked "He want's to follow, once he sees where Jas lives he wants to act like he knew from the start and comes in to celebrate with us, he would drink and pretend he got drunk to stay there for the night and take Jas during the middle of the night" he said making us all glare as James made a quick turn making me scream lightly with Mika from the sudden turn as Thomas followed.

"Will take our time in the mall, make it look like were shopping, once we loose him we get back to the car we leave and then we don't see him again" James explained making us all nod, the guys wanted to get a few decorations and games to have fun while James, Diana and Saero went to the grocery to buy a few things for the meal making me certain it would be like a buffet making me giggle as Damien took me around the place making me smile as I couldn't see Thomas at all as we all then went back to the car as Damien said that Thomas was still in there making me smile as we got to the mansion to decorate and celebrate my graduation, we ate and drank making me smile at them as everyone had fun until the doorbell rang making me stop as Matthew checked from the corner of the window with Suzu "It's fucking Lisette and that weird guy Thomas" she said making me sigh as we simply went to the yard to have some fun as we ignored them knocking and ringing the doorbell making me laugh the whole time.

They left later on as Suzu and Naomi went home, Diana and Saero left a bit after with James taking Mika somewhere, Matthew got Sam and Erik to go with him to the arcade making me and Damien clean up and go to bed making me blush to him as he stares at me, I sat on the bed as he moved to be slightly on top of me and we kissed making me moan as my arms went around his neck as he slowly undressed me while I kicked my shoes and lost the earrings that went on the nightstand, Damien took his shirt and jacket off making me smile to him as he took his own shoes off while I got his belt off with his pants leaving us slightly naked "Hold still" he whispered as he removed my bra off with my panties making me take his boxers off "Izroul" he then whispered making me look at him slightly confused "It's my true name, is Izroul" he said making me look at him.

"Izroul" I said making him kiss me as he then did something that surprised me, we went back to kissing making us both moan as I went to hold him close to me while his hands roamed over my body as I gasp at times from where his hands go or even when he kisses on a certain spot at my neck  or collar bone "Izroul please" I gasped from where his lips were now which was at my breasts making me get my fingers in his hair causing him to moan from my actions as he stares straight at me, he smirked to me as I had no idea as to why he was making me feel like this "I love you, I will protect you from anything and everything that would harm you" he whispered making me look to him as my eyes widen at what I was seeing in front of me happening as he was showing me his demon form with the ram like horns and the black spider formed markings on his skin and the major hard on he had at the moment as he then lied next to me and the position he took made me feel wet.

"Izroul" I said making him kiss me as he then did something that surprised me, we went back to kissing making us both moan as I went to hold him close to me while his hands roamed over my body as I gasp at times from where his hands go or even whe...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Please tell me if this will get removed if it stays there from how it looks and I will replace it! Someone actually posted tmnt and street punk sex art on the start of each chapter they made with smut so I went for it!! I HAVE NO REGRETS!!!)

"Come here and ride" he said with his demon voice making me blush as I slowly moved and got in place as the nerves made me tremble as he slowly set a hand on my thigh "Take your time, don't rush" he said with a soothing smile making me nod as he helped me lower myself, I bled a bit from loosing my virginity making him hold my hips as he moved himself inside of me as I moaned before gasping as we turned with me under him as he held me close to him as I wrapped my arms and legs around him as we panted in pleasure and both reached our peak together while moaning each others name, I opened my eyes to look at his demon form that slowly went back to human form making me smile "One day i'll show my human dragon form to you" I said making him open his right eye and smile as he held me in his arms and we went to sleep together.

Seduce me: The dragon princessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن