Act 4: Damien's smile

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My pov.

When Friday came it was with a sigh of relief from me, it was the only day I was the most happy for as then came the weekend making me drive with a smile as I parked to see Sam outside and slightly waved to me as I got out of the car and went over to him "James kick you out or something?" I asked as he glared at me and nodded "Wanted to eat and he said it spoils" he explained making me sigh as I took hold of his arm and we went inside "You can eat something as long as it's way before a meal and it's small enough that it won't make you loose your appetite" I said making him nod as I closed the door behind him and went for my room to study for a test on Monday and it was for the best that I take a few notes at least just to be sure I was ready for it.

A knock on my door made me to stand up from my desk to open the door to Damien who looked a little nervous about something "Dinner is almost ready" he said making me smile and nod to him as he then looked over my shoulder to see what I was doing "I was studying for a test on Monday" I said making him look at me and then nod before walking away to get back to the kitchen, I went back to study for a few more minutes and then went for the dining room where Erik was setting up the table with Mika to help as Sam was already seated at the moment as I guessed that Damien went to the kitchen where Matthew and James must be in right now as I went to sit down at my usual spot at the table just as Matthew brought dinner out with Damien's help as Erik and Mika sat down while James brought out the rest of the meal "Thank you for the meal" I said as Mika did the same as we then started to eat.

It was then that Mika's phone rang making everyone look to her as she goes to answer it "Hey mom" she said making my heart feel like it was crumbling once more, this means something has to be done and father decided that Mika should be told about it and not me as I turn my head to look away the faint sound of Damien mumbling something didn't make me look at him to know if he was talking to himself or one of his brother's making me go back to eating my meal for now, when Mika hung up she sighed making me wonder what was wrong "She has to prepare a house warming party for tomorrow night" Damien said making me understand it was odd how he knows "He reads minds like I can make toys" Matthew whispered to me as I then nodded to him as Mika looked to me "Jas" she said but I stood and left for my room now that I was done with my meal.

I sighed when I got to my room, of course they would call Mika and not me, she's there birth daughter while i'm the adopted girl they never wanted for a child making me sigh as I went to my desk to study as then I looked over to the perfume bottle I got for my birthday, I had gone to my room and found a wrapped box with the card and smiled when I saw what was inside of it because it meant the promise was still kept, the promise was a secret and it took me everything I had not to think about it now that I knew that Damien could read minds as the bottle was straight from Paris of the collection of Paris and I was truly happy to have it right now, I sighed and went to my closet to figure out what to wear for tomorrow night now that I would also need to be there for the party and would do my best to avoid my father that night as a knock on my door made me turn to see Damien peaking inside my room and stare at the perfume bottle I was given by someone named D.

I sighed when I got to my room, of course they would call Mika and not me, she's there birth daughter while i'm the adopted girl they never wanted for a child making me sigh as I went to my desk to study as then I looked over to the perfume bottle...

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"Are you alright?" he asked simply as he turned to look at me while asking the question as I simply nodded to him so to not talk right now, he nodded back to me and noticed what I was doing and decided to come in to look at the dresses I had which weren't many with how i'm not into wearing dresses very much but only on certain occasions really making it rare for me to buy a new dress or anything for it, he looked from the black dress I wore for the funeral to the blue dress that would fully show my back and then from the red dress to the one James bought me before turning to me with the blue dress in his hands "It will make you look mature" he said with a soft smile making me then nod to him before he walked out of the room placing the dress on my bed making me smile and look to my mirror to see myself blushing in the end from his words making me wonder if I had feelings for him.

Instead I shake my head to try and make those thoughts leave my mind, now wasn't the time to think about that instead I had to try and help Mika and the boys with preparing for the party tomorrow night as I know it's good if I try to help the best I could by going to by a few simple decorations and some groceries for snacks for the guests to enjoy with drinks, I sighed as I went for the kitchen to figure out what we needed with James looking over my shoulder making me look a few moments longer before going to figure out what to work for decorations to make it nice but not look like it was going to be a huge party or anything making me sigh as James took the list from me and wrote a few ideas for decorations "Take Damien with you, he can help" he said making me nod as I got ready to leave as Damien smiled at me as we went for my car making him look it over before we got in and drove away to the mall where the two stores we needed to go in.

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