Act 12: Needed rest

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"James came over getting ready to prepare you something to eat, Sam however believed he could do it better then the others making Matthew talk back to him on that subject. It in the end ended with the two fighting and James came in as Sam almost attacked Matthew" Diana explained short and simple the whole story making me sigh "You three clean the kitchen up and replace anything broken or too damaged to use once more" I said to three named culprits who nodded and went to the kitchen to work "And no using your powers!" I yelled making Sam groan, Damien moved to help me back to my room so I could rest further for my wounds to heal more "Are you sure your alright? I can get you something to drink or eat if you want" he suggested making me shake my head no.

"It's fine, my book and the work I need to finish up will be fine for me" I said making him slowly nod to me as he helped me back to bed "Would it be alright if I stayed with you for a bit? Just to know what you do most of the time when in bed?" he then asked making me look at him in slight surprise but nodded, why not? it might be fine plus he get's to know about the life of work "You know, this wasn't the job I really wanted to do in life" I whispered as he looked to me "What was it then?" he asked making me look at him slightly "Grandfather did this because he didn't want his son to take over and do the wrong things for the company, but I really wanted to work with kids, play with them, help them things like that" I explained making him slightly smile and nod.

I turned to my book to read a bit as it was now quiet in my room, Damien was looking around a bit my room once more and I wondered why he was doing that but instead I kept quiet both in speaking and in thought so he knows nothing about it right now, at some point Damien left the room making me wonder what he was doing "I'll be right back, Diana and Saero want's to talk to us and Mika so you just rest" he explained making me nod as he slightly closed the door behind himself making me wonder what she and Saero wanted to say, I went to my laptop to keep working on a few more projects before taking a quick nap for my eyes to rest making me sigh in relief but some pain came from the injuries on my body making me slightly groan but focus on sleeping for now making me sigh at the gentle hand rubbing gently on my back.

When I woke up, the soft smell of hot chocolate made me look to find the mug and the medicine I needed to take in Damien's hand with a soft smile "Breakfast is ready, I would be lying if I said lunch or even dinner but you slept until morning" he explained making me nod and take the medicine and mug to swallow down the pills, once done Damien sat at the edge of the bed making me softly smile to him as thanks "How are things?" I asked making him look to me "Diana and Saero believe that Malix will return for you or Mika, so they decided they would stay to keep you both safe" he explained making me nod as he helped me to stand and get to the dinning room to eat breakfast with Mika.

"Good morning Jasmine! Did you sleep well?" she asked making me nod to her slowly as Damien sat me down and left for the kitchen to take care of something, Mika was texting Suzu about something making me smile to her "How are things?" I asked making her look to me "Lisette is bothering us about you, most likely because she want's to make a good impression to make you accept in having her work somewhere with you or something" she explained making me nod to her, James came over to Mika's side making me smile at how cute they were "So... When's the wedding?" I asked with a smirk making them both blush "JASMINE!!!!" Mika yelled as Sam who was right behind me when I asked laughed with me from there reaction "Dude! If she can make you blush from asking that who knows what else she can do" Sam said making me try to calm down my laughter as James growled like an animal.

When Damien came back with Saero behind him I could feel the tension coming from both of them making me wonder what was going on, it made me and Sam confused as Diana came to sit down next to me making me smile at her as she did the same and played slightly with my hair making me giggle as Matthew came in wondering on what was going on at the moment from all of this, when Damien gave Mika her plate Saero smirked towards him when he gave me my plate making me even more confused then before "What's going on?" James asked making me sigh as I ate slowly my food, Damien glared towards Saero making me groan at this happening "Stop it, both of you are acting like kids right now" I mumbled making the two look at me in surprise as Diana rubbed her temples for a moment "I'll be taking Jasmine to her room and care for her today" she then said before giving them the chance to say anything she took me to my room.

"You should rest now, you were in pain from your injuries and it would be best to make sure you are getting enough rest" she explained making me nod slowly as she got me in bed,  she made sure I was comfy making me smile to her at that moment as she then went to getting some more medicine ready for later on when I would need to take it once more today, I smiled to her when she got on my laptop to take care of a few things for my work and then grabbed my book to read it to me making me smile towards her as she would make sure to sound a different way just for me as she reads what some characters in the story would say making me at times giggle at her, when she finished four chapters of the book she put it down on my desk and turned to help me take my medicine before going to sleep for a part of the day.

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