Act 16: Relaxing time

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Damien's pov.

A few weeks passed and we all had a bit of time to understand more about Jasmine and being a dragon, it was hard at first but we all got used to it and how she acted and did things but Sam had it a bit easier because he had been talking to her from her room and she spoke to him about anything she wanted or came to her mind making him able to figure things out about her "OY! Wake up James i'm starving!" Sam yelled making me jump a bit from my sleep while Jas simply growled and turned to the side as she thought about how Sam should have a muzzle making me smile to her as I got ready, she was going to school in the afternoon because most of her classes were finished so her schedule was now set with three classes in the afternoon so she's able to sleep in right now.

James was trying to help Jasmine at the company so she can rest some more so there were times he would sleep in some Matthew or Erik would take over for making meals, right now he fell asleep at around 4 in the morning so it was easy to understand that he was working for a long time "Let him sleep Sam, he works hard to help Jasmine" Erik said making Mika nod as Matthew was making breakfast "Is Jasmine still sleeping? Could you tell her i'll see her later at home because i'm staying over at Naomi's place for a project?" Mika asked making me nod as she then left for school, Jas would wake up more or less around a bit before lunch to eat something small for breakfast and then lunch to the get to school to do her afternoon classes there were also times where she wakes up in the morning and simply lays around in her room fully dressed for school but other then that she did nothing more.

There are times when I actually need to wake her up to leave for school but it's rare, Sam has the easiest time to wake her up while the rest of us still don't know how to wake her up without making her want to kill us, so when it's time to wake her up to get to school we turn to Sam to take care of her "Should we wake up Jasmine?" Matthew asked as he came in the dinning room making me shake my head "She'll wake up soon, maybe at the same time as James if were lucky" I said making him nod as Sam got a plate for himself and me as I made one for Jasmine ready, in the end I was right as she came in right after James making me pull her chair out making her smile and thank me as she sat down and slowly ate her breakfast with the rest of us "So, Jasmine what do you have to do today?" James asked making her look at him "I have a math exam when I get there that gives me two hours and a half to do, if i'm done before time I need to finish up my french preparation for a presentation" she said making him nod.

She went to take a shower and get dressed for class making me move to set her bed as she hummed a tune as she got clean, times like this for me was the best to relax and it causes me to at times fall asleep when that happens making my brother's need to wake me up and sometimes if i'm lucky Jasmine does but it was rare but even so I enjoyed it when that happened "Damien! Have you seen my three book novel collection? It's the one with the girl in a pastel color dress on each cover" she asked making me look to find a book like she described in her school bag "Oh! You found the one I was starting" she said making her then kiss my cheek gently "Thanks i'll see you after school!" she then said and left the room to get going with lunch in hand making me smile as I walked out of the room we were now sharing as it used to be her room.

"What was she looking for?" Erik asked as he came over to my side "Some novel with a girl showing her back with a dark blue dress with I think a beach" I said making him nod "Les archer d'Avalon, a collection she's reading" he said but I didn't understand making James sigh "The archers of Avalon is the English term for the collection Erik, you know Damien doesn't speak french" James said making me chuckle as I followed my oldest brother down the stairs as Erik followed "I was only teasing" he said as an excuse making me roll my eyes at his answer as he always said that to him when he messed with me or Matthew making James get tired of it, one time Sam was ready to punch him from the amount of times he said it "You can't always give that answer to me Erik when you do this, remember Sam threatened to hit you if you said it again" James said making me laugh as Matthew came to view wondering what was going on.

"He was joking, he wouldn't hit his own brother now" Erik said making Matthew laugh as he now understood the situation, we watched together as James and Erik watched one another while me and Matthew kept away from all of this from the sidelines at the moment as it was what we always did for something like this really "Should we go get Sam?" Matthew asked making me shake my head no to him "He'll come here on his own" I said making him nod to me as the two of us left them to go on with our day, I decided to look around in Jasmine's things for now as I always was curious about her and I really wanted to know what she reads but my brother's don't have time to teach me how to read or even write making it that much harder for me to know but I still try by looking at her things.

"If you wanted to learn how to read and write just ask us Damien, will take the time to help you" I turned to James who was leaning at the door, he surprised me by speaking as I simply looked down "Your always busy with helping Jas and the others are also busy making it hard for me to know if your too busy or not to help" I said making him nod and walk over to me, we sat down on the bed as he pulled out a few things to read and write making me know he was going to help me learn as Erik and Matthew come in to help out as well making me smile to them, when Jasmine came back she was looked drained from her exam as she was done and had to work on preparing for a presentation and two more exams before being done with them all making me simply look at her with a soft smile as I helped her to bed where the moment she landed her head on the pillow she fell asleep making me smile to her at the relaxing day I had.

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