Act 10: Healing the wounds

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Jasmine's pov.

I felt like I was floating it was strange to feel yet it was also pleasant to me at the moment, it made me relax for a moment until pain struck through my body making me scream from it as I only wished for it to be gone, but it only got worse the longer I was like this making me plead for it to stop as then a warm feeling came over like a soft blanket making the pain vanish from my body making me sigh in relief, I opened my eyes to see only white making me wonder where I was at the moment as I then felt a hand gently placed on my side as a warm feeling came from it as I slowly woke up.

Slowly opening my eyes to see a familiar white ceiling my eyes slowly adjusted to the light as I was in my bed at the mansion, my body wouldn't move so I only turned my eyes to the side to see a figure seated at my side at the moment "Saero?" I said making him look at me as he stopped what he was doing to my side as he softly smiled to me "Good your awake, Diana is speaking with the boys and your 'sister' about all of this. But she promised not to say about you" he said making me nod as he helped me into a seated position, it made me wince at times from the pain my body was in at the moment from whatever happened to me after I was knocked out "What's my condition?" I asked as he finished with wrapping my side making me see that my whole body was pretty much wrapped up "Malix slammed the bottom of his gun to your temple which gave you a bit of a shake to the head" he started to say.

"You might feel a bit of pain from that, I was able to heal your ribs but it will be a bit hard for you at times to breathe, I did the best I could for your leg but you won't be able to walk on it for a few weeks, as for your cuts I was out of energy by then" he finished making me softly smile and nod to him, the door opened to let Diana enter making her eyes widen to the way I looked as Saero stood and left the room claiming to try and find something for me to take for the pain making me still thank him for it as she sat at his place as she held a sweet flower making me smile "I thought you might be hungry so I went with something simple for you" she said as she handed me a slice of the fruit, the sweet flower is a fruit from the demon world that Diana would get me to eat a bit to regain my energy and to fill my stomach.

"I told them about how me and Saero know you, I also told them of why Malix harmed you like he did. But not of who I spoke about, the seal on you or even of why I knew you" she said as I ate making me nod to her words, it was normal for her to do that as she was worried for me since everything happened to me "Did they ask anything?" I asked as she shakes her head no "I believe that there going to wait until your up and about to ask questions about all of this to further understand" she said making me nod to her words, I finished the fruit as she then helped me to sit at the edge of the bed as she went to get me into some soft clothes so to not harm my injuries as she went through my things only to sigh "I'll go see if one of the boys can lend us a shirt for you" she said and she then walked out of the room.

"Oy! It's Sam. I'm coming in" the sound of Sam's voice as he then walked in made me quickly take the covers to hide my skin from his eyes as Erik and Damien came in, Sam held in hand a large shirt making me understand that it was for me to wear at the moment "Here" he said simply as he handed me the shirt making me nod as I slowly got it on, it was a simple white and green shirt that was very large for me to wear yet as I was putting it on I winced from pain making Erik move over to help me get it on to cover the bandages and skin, Damien moved around the room a bit as Erik then carried me out of the room while being very careful towards my injuries.

"Let's get you something to eat" Sam said making me nod gently as I was brought to the dining room, Erik sat me at my usual seat as Matthew came over with something easy for me to eat for now due to me still being injured at the moment as Mika, James, Saero and Diana were still not here with us "So, Diana told you a bit about me?" I asked to make sure it was true as Matthew looked a bit worried towards me "Malix's dad kidnapped you?" he asked making me nod as the others came in the room, they sat down around me as I slowly ate with Diana stayed at my side to make sure I was fine "Can you tell us what were missing?" James requested making me sigh "Due to the fact that i'm not sure what you know I will tell you everything" I said making them nod "Malix's father Zenanth killed my parents before taking me to the demon world, where he and his son were staying" I explained first.

"He mainly brought me there so I could be sold and used as a slave. But the Demon lord and one of his wives saw me and took me in after killing Zenanth, his wives took care of my injuries as another slave simply watched over me and thought me a few things from the demon world" I continued making the boys eyes widen as I turned to Diana "When Diana once came over and saw me, she immediately went to play with me and teach me some spells, Saero helped me fight making the Demon lord let me help a bit" I said before looking at my food "But then some people wanted me dead, claiming I was a source of sexual energy for them, so Diana and the slave opened a portal and sent me back here where Harold then found me and took me in to heal the injuries I sustained" I finished hoping it helped them understand.

"Father took care of you?" my eyes widen towards Erik's words making me wonder what was going on, the Demon lord was the boys father?! I finished eating slowly as Saero took the dishes to the kitchen as I sighed in trying to understand what happened while I was out from what Damien was telling me "Malix beatted you while you weren't awake" he had said but even so I felt like more was done to me, Mika had a look filled with worry towards me now that she knew the whole story and I could tell she only wanted to leave the room right now to think about all of this for now "It's for the best that I get some rest right now" I then said making everyone look at me before Saero lifted me into his arms to take me to my room as Diana followed us to get me in bed to rest making me gently smile and thank her as she promised to bring me something to eat later on.

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