Act 13: The return of Malix

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When I woke up once more it was to my surprise feeling better and no pain from my injuries, to my surprise once again I see Saero at my side sleeping on the space of the bed my body wasn't using making me understand that he used his power's to heal me while I slept most likely because those ones would have been painful, with a soft smile I set my left hand on his head and slowly pet his hair making him moan from how much he liked it and it must be because it was what I did when ever I saw him when I was in the demon world with Diana, he slowly woke up to look at me making me smile to him at that moment "Hi Saero" I said making him smile back to me "Good afternoon" he replied making me smile even more as I sat up on the bed "How much sleep did you get after healing me?" I asked making him sigh making me understand that his answer wouldn't make me happy "An hour... maybe three" he said making me huff as I slowly got out of bed.

"Come on, i'll help you to your room" I said making him nod as we went to his room where he would sleep "Where is everyone?" I asked making him smile "My lady went with Matthew and Erik to the store, they made Sam come along to keep him distracted with some work, James and Mika are in the garden, they wanted to get it cleaned up before winter comes and as for Damien I believe he is in here but i'm not sure" Saero said making me nod to him as I then left his room, I walked towards the kitchen to make dinner as I saw that nothing was made so I went around to see what we had and got to work on making dinner making me smile at what we had right now "Would you like some help?" I turned to see Damien walking in, I smiled and nodded to his help as with what he saw he moved to help.

"Did you read my thoughts to know what I was making?" I asked making him chuckle and nod "It's not easy for me to not listen, since I can't control my power" he explained making me smile sadly to what he said just now to me, it was then that I felt a shiver go up my spine making me feel like something was wrong "Go, i'll see for Mika and James you do Saero" he said making me nod and quickly move, I ran to his room and to my shock his bed was a mess like he tried to fight someone to stay here but failed as I then heard a scream making me run to the yard to see nothing but a note left on the grass, I slowly walked over to the note with trembling hands to talk hold of the paper to read what was written on it at the moment and what happened to the others at the moment to all vanish like this, my eyes widen from what I read on the note as I then make it crumble in my hand to then walk back in side with a dark expression on my face.

"You'll pay for this Malix!"

Damien's pov.

I woke up to a pain coming from my head, I tried holding my head but my arms wouldn't move like I wanted making me confused "Good, your alright" I opened my eyes to see James also tied up and looking at me with relief "Where's Jasmine?" I asked as they shacked there heads as all my brother's, Mika, Diana and Saero did not know where she was "After she left my room I was attacked" Saero said making me understand that she came in after he must have been taken as Malix walked in the room "Well, well, well~! Looks like you little shits are tied up and defenseless right now. This mean that I can do whatever I want" he sneered as Sam growled while Diana looked worried "You know what will happen if you harm one of us!" she yelled making me confused to what she meant "Oh~! Don't you worry your little head. By the time she get's here, she would be too late!" Malix said making me realize they were talking about Jasmine.

It was then that one of his men screamed and blood could be seen, and then another scream, and another, and another until they grew louder as growling could be heard as Diana trembled in fear, knowing what was wrong as Malix moved to... "NO!" James yelled as Malix yanked on Mika's hair making her scream in pain as the gun was pointed to her head "MALIX!!!!" a loud, deep and dark voice could be heard making a shiver go up my spine as I realized who's voice it was "Jasmine?" I asked as her form slowly came to view covered in blood with a blazing energy surrounding her as it grew slowly "Eheheheh~! Looks like I really wined you up this time. I wonder what would happen if-" just as he was about to finish his sentence and pull the trigger something flew into the air quickly as Jasmine's body moved.

Malix screamed for some reason as Mika fell down and looked scared as blood dripped from Jasmine's hand as I saw what it was "MY FUCKING HAND YOU PSYCHO BITCH!!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" Malix yelled in anger as his hand that held the gun was on the floor in front of me, she then moved and attacked Malix without mercy making me look at her in shock as she ripped limbs from limbs off his body as he died in an instant making me look at her the whole time as her pink glowing eyes were sharp like diamonds as pink scales grew on her body and something was trying to rip out of her back as what tied us was gone making Diana move to pull Jasmine into her arms "Breath, it's over" she whispered as Jasmine closed her eyes and everything went back to normal on her "Let's go back" she said making us nod as she carried Jasmine in her arms as she looked at me with fear in her eyes like what she did was not something she wanted to happen.

Once inside Diana went to the bathroom so to clean Jasmine, but Mika insisted on doing it claiming that Jasmine would tell her everything "As you all saw, Jasmine is not human" Diana said making my brother's look at her and nod "She is... the last survivor of the dragons tribes on the planet, there is no one else but her left" she explained making our eyes widen "As she said her parent's were killed, they were also dragon's and then came here so to be safe but ended up dying and there child was tortured ending them from being the three last ones to the only one left" Diana continued making us nod "She can't control her dragon side when angered ever since she suffered from the devil's so you must make sure to keep her under control when it's about to happen" she said making us nod "Very well, Saero and I need to go back now. We will speak to Jasmine and then will be off" she said and walked away with Saero towards the bathroom where Jasmine and Mika were at the moment.

"So what? We charm her all the time just so she keeps calm?" Sam asked as James thought "Not really, charming her every time would mean we would need to have someone near her at all times to keep the charm up, instead we just need to charm her in the morning, then at around lunch we see her and charm her once more for the rest of the day" he decided making us nod "It will also help us in getting the charm stronger and make it then last a whole day on her" he continued making us nod as Diana came over with Mika at her side as Saero helped Jasmine walk over making Sam move to help, they got her to sit down as she looked in pain at the moment as bruises slowly started to form on her skin making me shiver at the possible pain she could be in at the moment from them making me sigh as I looked to Diana "Well then, we shall be off then. Jasmine, please try to heal up and I will send you a letter very soon" she said making Jasmine nod.

Diana and Saero made a portal open up and went through making us smile to them as the portal closed, Jasmine however did and said nothing only allowed to be held and then moved to sit in a chair so James could look her over for injuries further then the bruises she had on her at the moment "Your the last of your dragon kind correct?" he asked making her slowly nod "My parent's tried to fight back so we could escape, but they were killed and I was taken away" she explained "Could you tell us a bit about you?" Erik asked but she kept quiet as Sam moved over to her side "I'm stronger, faster, can fly, see better then others, hear better then others and can change into a dragon when I want while also making some parts of my dragon side come out at will" she explained and then stood up and left for her room, we then all knew that she needed time alone from what happened with Malix.

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