Act 8: Watching you

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Damien's pov.

Jasmine worked hard the whole day before Erik helped her to bed, she with him and Matthew went to work in the study for hours without end making me, James, Sam and Mika watch the study in hopes for them to come out to eat only Matthew came to join us while Erik carried her to bed as she was sleeping at the moment, Matthew explained all the work she had to do and was unable to complete at the moment making James sigh and walk to the study after he finished eating his meal "Did she at least rest a bit?" Mika asked letting Erik nod as Matthew spoke "She rubbed her temple at some point claiming she was getting a headache, we told her to rest and she took an hour nap" he explained making us all nod as Mika sighed in relief.

"Good old Jas, only sleeps when she's drained or getting a headache from working too hard" she thought with a sigh making me smile as Erik then stood to get back to the study claiming he wanted to get a few things ready to help Jasmine when she goes back to work on the papers, I decided to prepare a tray for her as it was uncertain that she would wake up at some point from now but even so at least some food should be ready for her to eat when hungry so while everyone left to do something else around the place I went to the kitchen to prepare something for Jasmine to eat, only to my surprise she had woken up and come down to eat something "I'll go straight back to bed after I eat" she said making me nod as I prepared for her a plate "You should have stayed in bed at least, I would have come and brought it to you there" I said making her shrug her shoulders as she sat down.

She slowly ate with slightly trembling hands making me wonder if something was wrong, but her mind was telling me nothing and I worried that it was something that was too much for her to let me hear of at the moment as I opened my mouth to speak "Please" she stopped me at that one word as I looked at her due to being simply watching the wall at the time as I saw her eyes with slight pain in them "Just. Leave me be for now. I just had a nightmare" she spoke but she took time as she spoke, my thoughts wondered over to whispers that were in the room as I was being explained of what was going on "She had a dream to her past, I suggest to leave her be for a few days to get over it, try not to bring it back up or she might panic and withdraw herself from everyone which will worry her sister" I was told making me nod "I'll let you be alone for a bit, i'll come back for the dishes later on" I then said making her nod as I walked out of the room.

I decided to find Mika, she had been acting a bit odd earlier today while James was a bit different making me wish there thoughts betrayed them right now, even so James locked himself in the study leaving me to look for Mika to figure out what happened to her and maybe James "Miss?" I asked as she slightly jump from her chair at her desk as she then turned to me with slight surprise of me being at her door "Is everything alright? You and James acted odd this morning. Did something happen?" I asked as she blushed making me wonder if something was truly wrong at the moment "It's nothing really" she said but the images in her mind were telling otherwise at the moment as her and James slept together making me try my best to hold in a smile from them being together, James must be happy to be with someone now even though I wonder what he feels at the moment.

I decided to leave Mika be as I see Matthew walking towards Jasmine's room making me go over to him "She didn't feel well so I told her to get some rest and I would come by later to check on her" he explained making me nod, I watched him leave for her room as I sensed she was sleeping at the moment making me smile when my brother came back down with a sigh of relief knowing that Jasmine was alright at the moment as I then went to my own room to try and figure a few things out it felt strange to be here around Jasmine, even so I closed my eyes and focused on her in hopes of figuring something out about her with how limited she was with talking about herself but to my luck nothing came to me making me then sigh "She is in a delicate state of mind, it's for the best to let her rest for now before trying" the voice once more said to me.

"Damien, get the boys, we need to talk in the study about Malix" I hear James think making me leave my room and get the others, Sam was harder to get due to the fact that he was sleeping on the roof at the moment but I got him down to get to the study where Erik and Matthew already were with James seated at the desk "We need to figure out why Malix reacted towards Jasmine differently" he said making us all nod, it was strange as it was almost like he knew her but she's human and he's a devil it's impossible for him to meet her for there not allowed to unless ordered to do something from there higher ups even then there are limits to what they can and can't do so it's strange with how she acted when he saw her.

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