Chapter Seven

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This update is a little early, I want to post them on Monday's and Friday's but tomorrow is going to be really crazy for me, so enjoy this early weekend gift! It's also one of the shortest chapters, so I might update sooner because of that.


Summary: the one where Emery meets Violet


I was happy to be back at work. That time I had spent at home was too much. There was never a moment of peace whether it be from my own thoughts or from my family. After I had kicked Sawyer out the other day, I became an absolute mess. As if I wasn't already distraught, that night brought my insanity up to a whole new level.  There was no rest for my mind, I was constantly going in circles trying to figure out what I wanted. I tossed and turned all night. I was mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted. But at least I had work.

At work, I could get swept up in the work I was doing. A majority of the morning at work was spent doing my usual routine: feed the dogs in the pod, clean their cages, and take them on a walk. I eventually got to the last dog to take for a walk in the early afternoon. I opened the gate with a leash to find a happy Bernese Mountain Dog looking up at me.

            "Hi, Misty, are you ready for your walk? I bet you are," I said cheerfully. Misty was bouncing on her front paws in excitement, making it difficult to get the leash clipped to her collar. It took a few failed attempts to finally get the leash onto her. Before I could react, Misty had bolted from her cage, her leash slipping from my hand. "Misty, get back here!" I sprinted after the dog who had just ran through the swinging doors to the reception area. I swore under my breath, forcing my legs to go faster. I pushed through the doors right on Misty's tail, yelling her name again. In front of the reception counter stood a girl with dark red hair, I realized she was in the direct path of Misty.

            "Watch out!" I yelled to the girl hoping she would move out of the way. It was too late, Misty jumped up, front paws on the her chest and knocked her backwards. Misty stood over her panting happily, licking the girl's face all over. I rushed over to her and pulled Misty's leash. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I offered the girl my hand to help her up, but she ignored it.

            "I'm fine, I don't need your help," She grumbled, picking herself up off the floor.

            "Suit yourself," I answered nicely. "Come on, Misty." I pulled the happy dog along with me. I brought Misty over to a playpen where she can run around. We played fetch and tug of war before she got bored with me and started sniffing around. I took a seat on the fence behind me and watched Misty trot around. Whenever I had a moment to myself, I had to actively think of things other than Sawyer. Which is virtually impossible when my down time at work for the past two years were usually spent texting her. It was easy when I knew she was in Europe and couldn't answer, but was a battle of will. I felt the pull in my heart that was willing me to talk to her, but then my brain would shut that off. It was a constant back and forth. My body was being pulled into two different directions and I didn't know what to do.

            "Hey, there," A sweet voice spoke from behind me. Eliza came up and sat next to me on the fence. 

            "Eliza, hi," I breathed in relief welcoming the distraction from myself. "What're you up to?"

            "I was going to go help with the daycare dogs, but then I saw a pretty girl sitting all by herself," She smiled cheekily. Despite myself, I felt a flush creep up my neck. I ducked my head until the feeling went away.

            "You're too kind," I finally said. "But that is definitely not the reason you came over here."

            "You caught me," Eliza put her hands in the air. "I came to check up on you."

Landslide: Before (Book 1) (GirlxGirl / lesbian/ LGBTQ)Where stories live. Discover now