Chapter Twenty-Three

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As promised, here's another update! Enjoy!

Summary: The one with the twist


It was odd how quickly Violet and I fell into a comfortable routine with each other. After the afternoon we spent together, I learned so much more about her, I had a better understanding of who she was. It still drove me crazy that I didn't know the whole truth, but I knew I couldn't push her on that. That wouldn't be fair of me, besides, everything between was great now. We talked more and laughed a lot. Honestly, she was a completely different person around me. She was still broody and sarcastic, but it showed less often.

We spent a majority of our time together. When we weren't at yearbook or soccer, we were together at The Lost Book Shop sharing our opinions of books over several hours and cups of coffee. It was nice to have someone to share my time with again. That was the one thing I missed about Sawyer, those intimate moments when we shared what was on our minds. But, now I have that with Violet on a level that Sawyer could never reach. Our conversations were deeper and far more profound, or maybe it just felt that way because we were connected in a more meaningful way.

When Sawyer and I had gotten together it was heated, passionate, and fast paced. We had good times, I wouldn't deny that, but most of it consisted of quickies wherever we could find a place. There wasn't that intellectual and emotional connection that Violet and I had. She understood me in a way that I didn't think anyone could. Maybe it was from the months of us both just observing the other, trying to figure out what was hidden beneath the surface. At least that was what it was like for me. I knew her breakfast order by heart - a small hot caramel latte with two jelly donuts - and the way she always liked to be twenty-minutes early for everything she did, which included school. I could tell when she was getting antsy by the way her eyes would shift rapidly to the door and back to the book in her hand but she never wanted to tell me because she didn't want to break me from my own trance. I knew so many random things about her, but I wanted to know more. I wanted to know her favorite color and what song she listens to when she's sad. I wanted to know her favorite movie to watch and what could make her laugh until she cried. I wanted to know what her deepest secret was and if she loved the heat of the sun on her skin or the sound of rain pitter-pattering against the pavement. I wanted to know if she loved a good adventure and what book she absolutely adored. I wanted to know what makes her indescribably happy and if she wanted to see the world one day. But, mostly, I just wanted to know if she wanted to know me too.

It was difficult to go through everyday with Violet wondering if she was feeling the same things that I was. I liked her, a lot more than I had originally planned. I didn't even want to like her to begin with, but here I was stuck with this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest whenever I thought of her.

"Why am I a gooey emotional mess?" I muttered to myself as I waited in front of Violet's house to drive her to school. Charlie had suddenly stopped taking rides from me, instead opting to take the bus to school. I assumed she just really didn't want anything to do with me anymore. She had been increasingly cold and distant, I barely ever saw her now. But it worked in my favor since I could give Violet rides to and from school without a series of questions from Charlie. So I waited in Violet's driveway for her to race out before Tyler chased after her because he didn't want her to leave.

A flash of red flew through the front door and my passenger door was wrenched open, "Drive! Ty's right on my tail." I chuckled as I saw another red head appear in the screen door.

"He loves his big sister," I said as I backed the car up and then headed forward toward school.

She sighed, "I know, but I hate making him cry when I have to leave. Gotta rip it off like a band-aid." I nodded before reaching to the cup holder and handing her the coffee I ordered her from the coffee shop in town - Daily Grind. "Thank you," She muttered quietly as she accepted the caffeine. A soft groan of appreciation slipped out of her mouth with her first sip of the drink.

Landslide: Before (Book 1) (GirlxGirl / lesbian/ LGBTQ)Where stories live. Discover now