Before The Grand Magic Games

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One year has already passed, since I've joined Sabertooth. I have practiced a lot of Moon Magic. Now I can hypnotise people and animals, talk telepathically to others and use lots of other various spells. The next Grand Magic Games start in two months, so our Master Sting has already chosen a Team Sabertooth.

Rogue, Minerva, Yukino, Rufus and I represent Sabertooth. Minerva and Yukino decided to train together and went to the forest. Rufus went studying to the library and Rogue and I went to the beach.

This year we will beat Fairy Tail! They won last time, but this year we will win!

The first month of training was learning new spells, the second month was just practice.

On the evening of our last day of practice I asked Rogue,"Rogue, do you think we will win this year?"

" I don't know, to be honest, I actually don't care! But you know, Sting always wants to win! For me, actually only the participating in the games counts!" he answered.

"That's nice!" I said smiling at him. "But now, we should go to bed, good night!" "Night", he said and went to my room.

*timeskip, 5 days later*

"Grand Magic Games, we're coming!" I shouted as we were walking through Crocus, the capital of Fiore.

Rufus just shook his head but Minerva just laughed.

"Excited, eh?" Rogue asked.

"Yeah, my first time in the GMG! This time we'll kick Fairy Tail's asses!" I answered.

"Well, you said this is your first time, right? So you can not kick their asses, because you don't know their strength!"

Rufus tried to seem smart! "I know but I don't care! I will kick their asses anyway!"

I shouted and held my fist into the air. Yukino, Minerva and Rogue just smiled, Rufus sighed angrily. 

When we arrived at the hotel, I looked into the rules.

" This year there will be just 6 Teams..... The others will be kicked out in the Preliminary Round...dark guilds are forbidden... Every guild only one team.... All participants have to be at 12 pm in their rooms......"

"Give me the stupid rules!" Rogue hissed. He took the book and read the page.

" Okay guys, there is nothing you should worry about!" he said and threw the book out of the window.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that!" I answered acting angrily and took the book back by telekinesis.

"Uh... Since when can you do that?"

They all stared at me.

"Well, I learned that with Moon Magic. Besides Moon Magic, I can lift smaller objects by telekinesis and talk telepathically to you. I have mastered every single Moon Magic spell, so I was bored and learned that." I said and smiled. They still stared at me.

"Attention please, the Preliminary Round starts now! Good Luck!" that guy with the pumpkin mask said and disappeared.

We entered the Sky Labyrinth.

"Wait, I know this place!" Rufus said suprisedly.

"Yeah, you fool! It's because that's the Preliminary Round from x791!" Rogue yelled at him.

"No, it's EXACTLY the same! Follow me!" Rufus said.

I sighed. "Or I could simply teleport us. Just tell me how it looks up there." I said.

They dropped their jaws and I sighed. "Okay, how does it look up there?"

"Uhhh.... there is grass, a river, a door, which we'll have to open! Ah, it's simply beautiful!" Minerva answered.

"Ok, thanks. Now give me your hands!"

I closed my eyes and I tried to imagine such a place. After I opened them, we were there. Rogue rushed over to the door and opened it.

We all stepped through and heard the pumpkin-headed guy shouting, "And our first team this year is Team Sabertooth! Congrats!"

We heard all of the people applauding and I decided to teleport us to the hotel. After we arrived I immediatelly fell onto the bed.

"Tomorrow will be a big day!" I thought and shut my eyes.

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