Day 3 of the GMG

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"Welcome to the 3rd day of the Grand Magic Games, here are the the points from day 1and 2:

1. Team Fairy Tail: 23p. 

2. Team Sabertooth: 12p. 

    Team Lamia Scale: 12p.    

3. Team Mermaid Heel: 1p. 

4. Team Blue Pegasus: 0p. and

5. Team Quatro Puppy: -1p.

Alright, we start with a 1 vs.1 vs.1 battle, so there will be 3 participants, the one remaining, wins! First we have Lucy Heartfilia from Team Fairy Tail against Rogue Cheney from Team Sabertooth against Nobarly from Team Quatro Puppy! Alright, let the fight begin!!!"

"Go Rogue!" I cheered for him.

He looked at me as he entered the arena and smiled. I formed the words, " Kick their butts!" with my mouth and he nodded.

Next, Lucy entered the arena. The blonde beauty smiled at her team and then Nobarly entered the arena.

"Shall I let the two of you finish first?" Rogue asked the two.

"No, I will finish you first!" Nobarly shouted and was about to attack Rogue.

Rogue raised his arm and Nobarly was already passed out. "Nobarly is out!" the judges shouted.

Now Rogue turned to Lucy, "Ladies First!" Lucy thanked him and shouted "Open, Gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!"

She held her golden key to the front and a bull with a giant golden axe appeared. "Taurus, take him out!" Rogue turned into a shadow and attacked from the back.

"Shadow Dragon's Roar!"

Lucy landed on the floor but got up again. She took her whip and started to lash Rogue.

"You can't hit a shadow!" he replied and turned himself into a shadow again. "Shadow Dragon's Slash!"

Rogue punched Lucy but she stood up again. "Open, Gate of the Lion, Leo!" she said with her last power. Leo was a human-like lion with his hair fomed like ears. "Loke, attack him!" she whispered before she passed out.

However, Leo's gate still didn't close and he fought against Rogue. " Regulus Impact!" The light hit Rogue and he tumbled back.

"Shadow Dragon's Crushing Fang!"

Rogue yelled and injured Leo with his attack. However Leo still got up and attacked again.

"Twister!" Leo shouted and Rogue started to swirl around in Loke's magic.

After he was released, he saw that the lion was almost down so he yelled,"Shadow Dragon's Waxwing Flash!"

and took out Loke.I smiled. He was just my shadow, I felt the best with him. "Yoohoo!", he waved at us. I started to giggle, I didn't even know what was so funny, I was just proud of him.

"And the winner is Rogue Chenney from Team Sabertooth, congratulations! Next we have Risley Law from Mermaid Heel vs.Ichia from Blue Pegasus vs. Yuka from Lamia Sca..."

Rogue came up. "Hey guys, how did I do?" I wanted to kiss his forehead but I didn't want to embarras myself, so I just held my thumb up. We didn't have anything to do, so we just explored the city and went eating in the afternoon. In the evening we all decided to meditate together to gather powers for the next day.

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