The World Underneath

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 We both thought the same thing and rushed into the forest to Tsukiko's favourite place. It was a small cave behind a waterfall. We had to run for quite a long time. I turned myself into a shadow and took Tsukiko. Now we were faster.

I exactly knew where it was because Tsukiko showed it to me when I visited the wolves. On our way we suprisingly didn't meet the wolves. I guess they were hunting somewhere deeper in the forest. I stopped. There it was. The waterfall. I released Tsukiko and turned myself back into a human.

"So this is it, where the voices came from!" Tsukiko said with a scared voice.

We climbed up and entered the cave. I turned myself into a shadow again and took Tsukiko. We went through the whole cave and at the end we saw it. There was a little exit covered with leaves. I moved them out of the way. We noticed nothing but darkness in there. However, a little light shone from far away.

We both ran towards it with our hearts beating quickly. It was a glowing lacrima. I wanted to touch it, moved my hand forward but Tsukiko quickly took my hand.

"No, don't!"

I touched it anyways and a small piece of paper landed in front of my feet. It said,"Walk ten steps forward, then jump into the hole! But don't take the lacrima with you or it will bring you bad luck!"

Tsukiko looked at it too. She nodded and made her hands glow. That was a good source of light. We followed the paper's advice and took ten steps to the front. Tsukiko shone on the floor and quickly scanned it.

"I can't see any hole!" she answered. Suddenly the ground started shaking and a little hole formed in front of us.

"Oh, so that was the password!" I joked. She looked inside. It seemed pretty deep. But we had to do it. I took Tsukiko's hand and we counted to three. Then we jumped inside with our eyes closed.

After about five minutes we stopped falling. I opened my eyes, we were falling slower now. I could see a stone floor. When we landed, we also saw some houses. People came towards us.

"Your majesty!" They all kneeled down in front of Tsukiko. Tsukiko looked confused. I felt the same as her.

Tsukiko's PoV:     

A young boy stepped to the front.

"Your majesty, if you have any questions about us, I will be ready to answer them for you," he spoke.

"Okay, could I please talk to you right now?"

He nodded. "Follow me!"

The boy brought us to a castle. In a cold and dark room we sat down at a table. On our way there I noticed torches with purple flames and even more houses. This place seemed to be a whole little world.

The boy said,"Could your little friend please go outside for a while, I need to talk to your majesty alone," R

ogue listened to his words and went out. The boy seemed to know what I wanted to ask so he spoke,"By the way, my name is Aaron, I'm the royal messenger!"

"And I would appreciate if you would call me Tsukiko instead of 'your majesty'!" I replied kindly.

Aaron gave me a thick book. Its title was 'The Life of The Lunar Queen's slaves'.

"This is a little journal which I wrote. We were sealed away down here for two whole centuries now. I'm sure this cool will give you an answer on all of your questions!"

Then Aaron left the room. I opened the book, it seemed quite interesting to me. But it was strange at the same time. I was called the 'Lunar Queen' by the people here. And this place felt so nice. It seemed to be full of Moon Magic. I turned my eyes into the book again and started to read....

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