A Spell???

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"You can keep me as a pet or I could visit you twice a week!" Tsukiko tried to tell me.

"Stop it, that's not funny!" Lucy complained. I didn't find it funny either.

"So you want me to be human, nothing more?" she enquired  a little angrily.

I nodded.

I know I sound kind of racist when I think,"My girlfriend turned into a wolf and I don't like her anymore."

But exactly that's wrong. I love her as she is, even if she is an animal. But the point is that I feel some kind of a barrier in her heart. She doesn't want to show her true love to me. She wants to stay a wolf to stay with the wolves. But maybe she's honest. Maybe she is happier with them than with me. I should leave her, if she wants it. I should let her go if I really love her.

I just want to kiss her once again. To see a smile on her adorable human face. While I was thinking, everyone else was thinking too.

"Hey, I got it!" Wendy shouted out.

"What?" We all looked at her. Even Tsukiko did.

"I might know a Sky Dragon  Slayer spell to turn her back into a human!"

I was optimistic again. The others didn't really seem to care. But what about Tsukiko? Was she also that delighted about that? I saw her in a corner.

"Why, Rogue, why?" she was asking me. I was a little shocked. Now I got it. She actually wanted to stay a wolf. She already got used to it. But I didn't. I was still sad.

I wanted her to be a human. Wendy continued,"But only if Tsukiko also wants me to use the spell!"

I looked at her questioning. She looked back but immediately turned her head to the wall again and whispered,"Please, no!" I sighed but I could understand her.

"Thank you very much, guys but I think I should discuss about this with Tsukiko alone!"

I thanked and the Fairy Tail wizards just went into Sabertooth's guild hall to greet the other members.

"Rogue, please don't understand me wrong but........."

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