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"Are you finished, your majesty?"

I heard Aaron's voice from outside. I rushed over to the door and opened it.

"I've told you not to call me that!"

"I apologize..." he mumbled. I nodded.

"Happens," I replied. "By the way, who is she?"

Aaron's eyes widened. "She is our boss. We can't call her queen anymore. She is so evil and wants to be the strongest! But you are the true queen, we felt it since yesterday and you heard our call!"

I knew it. So she was the queen. But I was the true Lunar Queen! The future of those people was in my hands. I had to save them. They were my nation after all. I wanted them to be happy.

"Aaron, I read that only Moon wizards can survive here, is that true?"

He nodded. "I have to go and warn Rogue!" I already rushed out of the room.

"Hey, so your friend isn't a moon wizard?" I heard a faint voice shouting behind me. But I couldn't answer silly questions now so I concentrated on running.

One thing was done. Rogue was up in Fiore again. We found an exit and now I knew how to help the people. I ran into the palace again.

"Aaron, I need your help, please contact HER!" I ordered breathlessly after running. He took out a communication lacrima and handed it over to me. I took it and waited for HER to answer. This would be my ultimate plan to save a whole nation. It was time to show HER who the real Lunar Queen was.

After all I've read in Aaron's journal I had to help them for sure!

"Hello, who speaks there?" SHE hissed. I smirked.

"Here speaks Someone! You betrayed your whole kingdom! But I have bad news for you, it's no longer in your posession! Because I am the true Lunar Queen, I've mastered every single spell!"

I shouted confidently. Aaron smiled. I guess he was proud of my confidece. I could see her face through the lacrima. She was furious.

"And what?" she questioned not caring.

I chuckled up. These news wouldn't make her happy.

"I know your story now! Two hundred years ago you took Moon wizards from all over the planet and sealed them away with their magic down here. You threatened to kill them if they wouldn't obey your orders. You cast a spell on them to make them not age. You wanted their magic. You wanted to be the one and only known Moon wizard in this world. You lied to be the Lunar Queen! You were and are a disgusting woman. But today this will change for them! They are all here, in front of the castle, waiting to be freed from this life. Because they deserve freedom and fairness! And I will take care of that!"

Every word I said came straight from my heart. Every word made HER face become more furious.

"You! Don't you dare to do that!" SHE hissed. I smirked again. The grin on my lips simply couldn't disappear. In the three hours I was here, I found out so much about this world and the people. I couldn't simply give up. Not if I was the true Lunar Queen!

"I don't know who you are, neither I know where you are but those people are no longer yours, they are independent people! If you want to stop me, I just want to tell you that you can't stop me, never!"

HER face got even grumpier. But soon it turned into a widening grinn. "Oh yes, I can and I will! Prepare to fight, Tsukiko!"

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