Chapter 2

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October ninth rolls around and I find myself in my condo, rain pouring down outside. "Head in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders. I should be wiser and realize that I've got-," My speaker blares. I run a paw through my hair and fold a shirt. Thunder clapped outside and I give a heavy breath as the song changes. I put some more clothes in the suit case. "King and queens posted at the bar-" "- I say answering my phone and perching it between my ear and shoulder as I continue packing. "Is this Baskin Desiro," a familiar voice says and I pause. "Who's asking?" "It's Rowan... from high school?" "Oh my god, it's been forever, how did you get my number?" "Are you going to the Florida meeting?" "Yea, how did you know and answer my question?" "Right, the Florida project is for my company and my assistant has O.C.D. so he made a list and I saw Baskin Desiro and the number and I'm like, let's see if that's him," he laughed. "Ah, so you're the reason I'm being dragged over a thousand miles south." "You act like you've got a farther trip, I've gotta fly out of Boston!" "True..." "Do you still have a mindset of a four-year-old?" "I actually think I got younger..." "And his sarcasm has gone up, you know, I would've though you would've grown up." "Hah, if I grew up my life would be boring," I laughed into the phone. "Har, har, I'll see you tomorrow or Tuesday, definitely Wednesday," he said. "Cya later stag-fag." "Call me that again and you won't see the nice Alaskan side of me." "I look forward to it." "Oh, how I missed your nerve testers." "Hah ok, Imma get back to packing." "Bye," he said and I hung up, my music returning.

"She got a body like a Cadillac but I can give it to you all the time." At those words my dancer side and sparked and the want to twirl arose. Memories flooded back from the trip to San Francisco and I cleared my throat to redirect my attention. I finished packing the suit case and set it down by the door and grabbed my travel pack. It still had patches from our travels and a picture of the eight of us from the trip. I gave a sigh looking at it and I grabbed my sketch binder and pad, my document folder, my laptop, a few magazines of Men Weekly, because high chance of boredom on the layovers and my Lactaid pills. I check to make sure I have everything and go to take a shower.

"Baby I got love for thee. So deep inside of I don't know where to start~," my alarm blares. I roll over and look at it. 3:30. I sit up in the bed and yawn. My flight leaves at 5:30 so I force myself out of bed and into the bathroom, strip down and brush my teeth, fix my hair and some deodorant, head back into my room and slip into jeans and a close fitting blue workout shirt, slip my necklaces on and I grab my headphones along with my phone, slips my travel pack over my shoulder, extends the handle on my suit case and walk out of the condo, locking the door behind me.

I walk downstairs, out to the bus stop and sit on the bench. Of course, it being early and fall, it feels like Antarctica picked its stuff up and moved to eastern Virginia. The bus rolls up and I step aboard, slipping in a dollar bill to the machine up front and take my seat. The bus continues its run and ends up in Dulles at 4:30. "When I met you in the summer-" "-Hello?" "Where are you," Ice said. He sounded like he was already in the terminal. "The bus just pulled into the terminal, I'll be at the gates in twenty minutes." "Hurry up." "I'll get there when I get there, don't rush me," I reply. "Early morning sass, I outta fire you." "But you won't because you love me?" "Only reason." "And because I'm the only one who can handle all your work plus my own." "Shut up." "Mm. See you in twenty." "Fine..." I hang up and grab my bags, tip the driver and head inside.

I walk up the stairs and over to the escalators and get on line for carry on check. I looked around the area, it was quiet and more furs were getting on line. The officer removed the restricting tape and the line began moving and I showed one of the furs behind the desk my passport and they waved me through. I took my necklaces, shoes and everything else off, threw the into the plastic bins and walked into the scanner. "Paws above your head please," the guard on the other side said. I do so and two large scanners move around me. They stop and the guard gestures for me to walk out. I do so and grab my things.

The airport was still rather quiet, obviously, and I walked down to the AirTran. The platform was rather empty and large, thick glass walls bordered the edge of the platform along with glass doors. I gave a slight yawn, still tired as the small train rolled in. The platform and train doors slid open and I along with a handful of other furs stepped on. A few seconds later we were off. The tunnels weren't cramped at all, it was a nice hollow, cylindric tunnel and the lighting on the walls were bright enough to illuminate the entire stretch. It was like a mini New York Subway system down here.

It pulled into terminal B moments later and I stepped off. I walked up the stairs and into the terminal. Some of the shops and cafés were open. I looked down at my ticket. B07. I looked around for gate seven and walked over. "Oh, there you are!" "Ice, boss, sir, it's near five in the morning, please don't start yelling at me." "Fine, but the flight takes off in fifteen minutes, I was worried you would've missed it, who else would do your work, any who, I got you a coffee, the only time I will so milk it and when we get there, we will be residing in the same hotel as our clients, so let me know when they send you an email of the address." "Alright, actually there will be a car waiting for us upon our arrival and they already emailed me their schedule, we've corresponding open dates on Wednesday and Sunday, maybe next Monday as well. We've got our meeting dates set for tomorrow, Tuesday and Friday, Thursday and Saturday, we meet with the builders and Rowan's company to discuss the building and everything," I reply. "Well done, I should give you a raise." "Really," I asked getting excited. "But I'm not going to." "Cheap." "What?" "Nothing," I said grabbing my coffee.

"I already got their sketches and documents as well." "Great we'll discuss them on the layover from Georgia to West Palm." "Why not now to Georgia." "Just about five A.M., I want some sleep." I gave an eye roll and they called our flight. We quickly walked over to the line and were sent onto the plane. Ice lead the way and I was surprised when he took a seat in first class. "You got us first class?" "Remember, you were supposed to be my wife." At that moment, everything stopped and I felt all eyes on us. "Not like that!" "I don't know if I should be offended or not." "A little," he winked. "Please, don't wink, you're too old and... frankly not my type." "Says the canine hitting on your co. workers boss," he crossed his arms as I sat down. "Ok, one, that's none of your business, two, he's young and fit... unlike you and three, how do you know that?" "Your bunny friend sends everything to the company's Facebook, everyone is wondering why you two aren't going out, he's looking for a mate." "Don't mean he's gay." "Never know." "I know... wait, why am I talking about this to my boss, you're supposed to be yelling at me, not giving me relationship advice and shipping me with your co. worker." Ice laughed and turned over in his seat and we waited for takeoff.

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