Chapter 16

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They had split us up, each fur taking us to a different room. The hallways were bright and cold. The fur in front of me stopped short, almost resulting in me smashing into the back of him. He opened a door and led me into a room It looked like your typical interrogation room from the cop shows. "Take a seat, the general will be here in a minute to talk to you," he said nonchalantly. I quietly nodded and pulled out the chair. As I sat down, I was embraced with the cold of the metallic chair, making my back tense up. The fur turned and shut the door behind him as he left. I sat there, my mind still racing.

"Think, what was the most illegal thing you did.... Destruction of property... that was Channing... Speed... that was Rowan and I..."

The door swung back open in the middle of my rant and I immediately fell quiet. In stepped a big, buff/beefy wolf with red and white fur. His black shirt hugged him tight, but his workpants and belt hung loosely around his waist. All of which had the USSIDA emblem on them. His white hair was short, his left eye was red, his right one was green, and the tip of his left ear was chipped off with two earrings. "Baskin Desiro, otherwise known as Blue. Correct?"

"Yes sir," I replied as he took a seat in front of me.

"My name is General Timothy Tallsbridge. Do you know where you are?"

"To what I've been told, I'm in the USSIDA Headquarters?"

"Correct. I just want to ask you a few questions. I know you're not an agent, but you have participated in company activities beyond country soil."

"I will concur," I said quietly.

He nodded and opened up a folder that he had brought in with him. "Do you know who this man is," he said pointing to a picture.

"That's Troy, sir."

"Do you know his plans?"

"I know no more than what Channing has already told me, and that's that he is going after all the men who did make it in when he didn't, and their loved ones. That is why I was dragged into international affairs involving this organization."

"And we do apologize for that... and for your markings." I rose a brow confused. He gestured to the swirls that weren't being covered by my shirt. I froze. "We know about your ... voodoo ... powers," he said fixing some papers."

"They aren't voodoo though."

"I'm pretty sure something that manipulates someone is voodoo."

"The only manipulation I do is flirting to get some dick."

He began laughing. "I like you. Nah I'm just kidding, you're not in trouble for them. Ahaha. But I do want to talk to you about that later."

Run for It (Sequel to 'A Crush or a Friend')Where stories live. Discover now