Chapter 10

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We arrived at another safe house, the sun as setting in the distance. I didn't know exactly where we were, all I honestly cared about was being safe. By this time, Johunta was beginning to wake up, sadly Vilar was quiet the entire drive. "Bunk in for the night, Agent Edwards will drive us to another airport to get to Italy before Troy. It may take some time before they realize Johunta never made it to London," Channing said. They nod. "There's six beds. Rowan, wanna bunk with me?" Rowan's cheeks flared slightly. "Sure." Louise, Johunta, and Donna took separate beds and Edwards also took his own, leaving Channing and I alone. "So... want to bunk with me," Channing said, scratching the back of his neck. "I... guess." With that, Channing led me over to the last empty bedroom and our suits changed back to their black, scaly selves. His suit hugged his buff body well. We slid into the empty bed, sadly there was just a simple sheet to cover us.

"I'm kind of cold... can we... snuggle," he asked quietly. I gave a heavy breath and looked up at his eyes. My heart racing. "S-sure." His arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. I slid mine around his waist and his chin rested in my hair. The silence around us grew and I looked up at him. He looked down at me. There was a pause and I could feel his warm breath on me. Our eyes locked and my breathing quickened. I leaned in and his paws pulled me closer so my lips landed on his. Everything froze and he deepened the kiss, his paws running down to my ass. We parted and I said, "You owe me five years and three hundred sixty-four more of those." "I definitely will," he smirked. Our lips collided again and my paws hooked onto his back.

"What do you mean he got away?!" "I'm tellin' ya boss, there was a group of agents already there, ready to extract him! ... One of them even had powers! Tell him Johnny!" The fur of which Baskin had nearly charred earlier nodded, his head hung with shame. "Powers? Please, you're all deluded, you're lucky I don't feed you to the nonanthro's! One job. One. Fucking. Job. I even send over ten of you and how many people did it take to take you down." "Six..." "SIX. FUCKING. FURS. I SEND OVER TEN. AND THEY ALL GET DEFEATED. BY SIX." "Sire, you're stress ball," the butler said from behind the enraged fur who began to squeeze it repeatedly. "Describe these furs to me..." "One was a really feisty fox, wearin' business clothes... Um, a blue jay! A wolf with blue fur, he's the one with the powers!" "Wait... blue fur..." "There was also a tiger and another feline along with a stag..." "Dammit," the fur smashed his paw onto the arm rest of his chair. "Channing...You guys... have 24 hours to find them and report back, or you're all dead." They nodded and left.

"Butler, get the A team in here, and find Nikita, I want to know why Baskin is still alive..." "As you wish sire." The butler left and almost immediately returned with Nikita in his grip. "What, I did what you asked..." "Apparently not," the fur said and stood up. "What?" "I don't know what you're playing at, but Baskin Desiro is still alive and more powerful than ever apparently." "I don't know, I chose the perfect snake to feed him to! I swear!" "You stupid bitch!" He slapped her, the sound echoing throughout the room. "I want him dead. Kapish?" She shook her head. "No." "Excuse me?" "Blue is supposed to be my friend! If you want to kill someone, kill me." "Nikita, I don't need to kill you, I'll just kill your family. That was the deal after all." "Leave. My. Family. Out of this." "Then bring me Baskin's head on a platter." Nikita sneered and turned to leave. Once out of Troy's earshot, she did a mini happy dance. "I knew you'd get free Blue... please help us..." A few moments later, another team, complete with ten, muscle fit pack wolves strode in. "Yes boss," the lead one said. He has a nice scar going through his right eye and on his left, he wore a glass thingy but it could give details, pretty much it was spyware. "Since I can't trust that other team of fat ditzes to do anything correct, I need you lot to go out to Italy tomorrow, find me the last agent... BRING HIM TO ME."

The next morning, we were out before the break of dawn. Channing and I didn't do anything... yet. Just an intense make out session. "So, what's the new plan?" "Get to Italy, specifically the coastal city of Naples where he is said to be, pull him out, get all of you state side and then take down Troy," Channing replied as we rocketed down some back roads. Other than Ross and Rowan flirting in the back, the bus was quiet.

Not long later we arrived at yet another private airport. "Thank you, Agent Edwards." "Anytime fellas," he said and tipped his hat. We nodded and quickly piled off. In front of a couple of hangers stood a couple of planes. Ross led us to our and we quickly loaded in. "There are some regular clothes in the back, y'all don't have to wear the suits for right now," Louise said. "K.K." "Hurry up and change and meet back in here so we can go over the game plan," Johunta directed. We did as we were told and we changed back into the clothe set aside, which was basically a bunch of young, city fur, styled clothes. I made my way back to the main cabin and took a seat. "Against the agencies better judgments, they're giving you undercover names as well." "What do you mean?" "My original mission was track down Troy and put every-loved-one of the remaining three in the area in safe houses but since most of them have been compromised and I didn't have the time to get you guys back up to Washington, I had to drag you guys along," Channing explained.

That totally made me feel better about myself... Way to go Channing.

He threw us each a folder and we opened them. Inside was our new identities and all, along with a picture of our target. "Agent Stephen. He is young and a total party boy outside of work. Research, and illegal searching, have led us to believe he will be attending a rave tomorrow night. Parte della Penisola... Party of the Peninsula. One of Italy's biggest music festivals. Our job, as I've said multiple times over, find him, extract him and get back to the plane, but for our sake of not getting caught, once we're dropped off, Ross will take the plane up to Rome and we'll meet him there. Donna, you'll be with Ross... we can't have your period temper blowing our covers." She blushed and looked away as the plane took off. "Baskin, your cover is one of the DJ's, Rowan, you're his producer again, get him the gig, Louise, Johunta, you're with me on security. Study your characters, make sure they are pitch perfect, we've had little bumps, let's not make it a cliff," Channing said.

I swear, to the holy father F40ph, I've never seen Channing so strict and commanding. When we parted, he was buff and strong but soft like a bear, but now that someone is literally depending on him, he's like, a rock. It's a turn on and very fucking attractive. "Dismissed." ARWGINRGINREINWRIBW DAMN DADDY... I think I should stay back with Donna...

The others dispersed and I went to my dorm and flopped onto the hard bed. I opened the file and began to scan it over intensely, but after a second, threw off to the side like it was a Science textbook. I was worried. What if we couldn't catch Troy? What if we were stuck running from him forever? Ice is going to have my head, I disappeared and he must be pulling his hair out trying to do my work.

Meanwhile, Blue's lovely, beefy, chubby boss, was face down in a bowl of cereal, papers scattered all through the hotel room... He's totally getting fired... not.

I groaned and rolled over. I reopened the folder and began scanning over the documents again. Ok... so it looks like I'm going to have to give my Italian accent a good go.

Name: Timothy Rizzoli

Age: 27

Profession: EDM DJ,

Extra info: Born in Naples ~ Abundance of wealth ~ fast pace


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