Chapter 8

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We arrived back at the hotel. "Ok, Rowan, grab the essentials, don't worry about clothing, we have a bunch here," Channing said. "Ok." "Make it fast, we need to pick up Donna and head to Tampa to catch our flight."

Rowan ran upstairs quickly. He was about to turn down the hallway to his room when he saw Troy and a few of his men coming his way. He looked around and hid behind a luggage cart. "Such a shame, that Baskin was such a sweet boy, though Nikita fulfilled her end of the deal, call our men off her kids, keep the father though, sexy thing, I want to have some fun with him later, I've been obnoxiously pent up," he said as he waited for the elevator. The 'ding' of the elevator arriving echoed and Troy was about to step on when Rowan accidentally nudged a suitcase over, he froze and Troy whipped around. "Seems to be we're not alone..." Rowan's heart sank as he heard the footsteps growing closer. "Hello Rowan," Troy smirked. "Oh, sorry was looking for my bags." "Heh, surprised you're not dead yet, oh well, if you want something done right, you do it yourself," Troy laughed as he pulled out a pistol. Rowan pushed off the wall and used the luggage cart as his shield.

He ran down to his room and locked the door behind him. He looked around and topped over a dresser and several chairs. He grabbed a few things he knew he would need. The sound of furs banging and throwing themselves against the door was loud and obvious. He threw his stuff into a bag and realizing he trapped himself in his room, walked over to the window. Below was the back entrance with a canopy and around fifteen feet away was the intercostal. Not wanting to chance fate with trying to land soundly on the canopy, he backed up to the door. Knowing nothing electronic was in his bag other than his waterproof earpiece, he charged.

He smashed through the window and moved into a cannonball form. "Is that him," Ross said as he noticed Rowan falling. "That is," I said eyes of wonder. "We gotta help." "We can't, we'll blow our cover." Ross instantly leaped out of the SUV and to the intercostal. A massive wave sprung up as Rowan landed in the water. Ross stood at the edge of the pier, anticipation coursing through him. Moments later, Rowan resurfaced. He chucked his bag up to Ross and held his hove out. Ross grabbed it and pulled him up. "Ok Louise, cover blown, fall back, SUV in parking lot, we gotta move." "Right," Louise replied. Ross lifted him up and carried him back to the car.

"Rowan, are you ok? Why'd you jump out the back?!" "Troy cornered me." At that moment, Louise hopped in the passenger side and Ross floored it. "Right, let's grab Donna and head to Tampa, we need to be there by about eleven tonight," Channing said. "Alright." "In case you haven't formally met them, Ross and Louise are on my team, they're my guards for my undercover assignments and they do a pretty good job." Louise winked at us and I waved. I hopped in the back where Rowan laid. "How are you doing?" "My body stings from hitting the water so hard," he joked. I smiled softly and looked around. I turned the air conditioning units towards him and turned them on. "Oh, that feels good."

We drove for close to thirty minutes before we arrived at what looked like an abandoned farm in the Wellington, off of Route 441. "Donna," Channing shouted. "I'm here," she said, walking over. "Blue!" "Donna," I shouted back as she ran into my arms. "Oh, my God it's been forever!" "It has," I said as we pulled apart and looked at each other.

"Alright, alright, we can call catch up in the car, we gotta move if we're going to make it to Gare du Nord before Troy gets to London," Channing said opening up a hatch and pulling a suit case out. "Why are we going all the way to Paris if we're bound for London?" "Typically, a two-hour train ride from Paris across the channel, if we time it right and get into Paris at the right time, maybe earlier, we might be able to reach our target before Troy realizes where he is." "Boss, surveillance footage picks up Troy at Fort Lauderdale International boarding a flight for ... Carlisle?" "Sneaky bastard, probably pulling in off Virgin or a bus for the trip to London," Channing smirked.

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